This Indenture made this fourth
day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen
hundred and sixteen Between Robert F. N.
Smith Administrator with the Will annexed of the Revd
. Samuel Smith Mc
Croskey late of the Parish of Hungars
in the County of Northampton deceased of the one part, and
Robert Saunders of the City of Williamsburg of the other
part: Whereas the said Samuel Smith McCroskey by
his last Will and Testament which has been proved and
recorded in the Court of Northampton County in Virginia; did
devise to his wife Elizabeth the use and benefit of his
Lands and Houses at Williamsburg, and did direct that
the said lands and Houses should, at her death, be sold to
the best advantage; and the said Elizabeth the Widow being
dead, and the said Robert F. N. Smith having admini-
stered before the said Court of Northampton on the estate of
the said Samuel S. McCroskey with his Will annexed, and
having advertised the Lands and Houses so devised to
be sold at public auction on the 3d
. instant before the
Raleigh-Tavern in the City of Williamsburg, the same
were then and there sold openly and publickly, when
the Robert Saunders became the
purchaser at the price of eleven dollars and fifty Cents by the acre
being the highest bidder for the same: Now this
Indenture witnesseth that by virtue of the Power
and authority derived to the said Robert F. N. Smith
under the Will aforesaid, and in consideration of the Sum of
Four thousand one hundred and eighty six
dollars to the said Robert F. N. Smith paid, or secured
to be paid at and before the sealing and delivery hereof
by the said Robert Saunders, the receipt whereof is
# 85
hereby admitted, He the said Robert F. N. Smith hath
bargained, sold, and confirmed, and by these Presents
doth bargain, sell and confirm to the said Robert
Saunders all that tract or parcel of land lying in
the County of York immediately adjoining the City of
Williamsburg called the Palace-Lands containing
three hundred and sixty four acres, being the same tract
of Land sold and conveyed by the President and
Professors of William and Mary College by their deed
bearing date the second day of June in the year one
thousand seven hundred and ninety and proved and
recorded in the County Court of York, being the same to the said Samuel Smith Mc
land spoken of
and is the same land spoken of in the Will of the said
Samuel and directed therein to be sold, as by reference
thereto appear, together with all Houses thereon, and
all ways, waters and watercourses to the same belong-
ing, or otherwise appertaining: To have and to
hold the aforesaid Tract or parcel of land with
the buildings and all appurtenances to him the
said Robert Saunders his Heirs and assigns for
In Witness whereof the said Robert F. N. Smith
hath hereto set his hand and seal the
day and date first written.
Sealed and delivered
in presence of }
Robert F. N. Smith (seal)
City of Williamsburg to wit.
We John Coke and John C. Pryor
- Magistrates for the said City do hereby certify that
Robert F. N. Smith party to the foregoing conveyance
hath duly acknowledged the same before us, on the fourth
day of April 1816, and desired us to certify the
said acknowledgment to the Clerk of the County Court
of York in order that the said Conveyance may be
recorded. As Witness our hands and seals.
John Coke (seal)
. C. Pryor (seal)
At a Court held for York County the 21st day of April 1817.
This Indenture was produced in Court and with the
certificate thereto annexed, signed by John Coke and John
C. Pryor Gent: two Aldermen of the City of Williamsburg of its
acknowledgment by Robert F. N. Smith party to the said
Indenture ordered to be recorded.
Teste. Saml . Sheild cyc