This Indenture made and entered into this
tenth day of July one thousand eight hundred and
forty one between John M Gregory and Amanda
M his wife of the first part and Samuel S Griffin
of the other part Witnesseth that the said John
M Gergory and Amanada M his wife have
this day granted bargained sold aleined released
transferred and assigned and by these presents do
grant bargain sell transfer convey assign
and set over to the said Samuel S Griffin his
heirs and assigns for and in consideration
of three thousand three hundred dollars paid secured to be paid by three bonds bearing
even date with these presents and a deed in
trust on the land hereby conveyed all that
tract piece or parcel of land lying being and
situate in the County of York adjoining the
City of Williamsburg and bounded by the
lots of Doctor Ro P. Waller and Doctor Ro:
M Garrett and the road leading to the
Capitol landing on the south and south
east on the east and north by the land
of Stephen O. Wright and Henley Taylor and
on the west by the lands of Henley Taylor
and Doctor Thomas G. Peachy which said
tract piece or parcel of is supposed to con
-tain two hundred acres be the same more
or less and is the same land which John
M Gregory bought of Robert Saunders and
Lucy B his wife as will appear by their deed for the same
of Record in the office of York county court
to have and to hold the said hereby granted
tract piece or parcel of land to him the
said Samuel S. Griffin his heirs and
assigns forever. And the said John M Gregory
for himself his heirs and representatives
doth hereby covenant and agree to and
with the said Samuel S. Griffin his heirs
and assigns that he will forever warrant
and defend the right and title to the land
aforesaid free from the claims, and
demands of any and all persons whatever
In witness whereof we the said John M Gregory
and Amanda M Gregory have set our hand
and affixed our seals the day and year first
herein written
Jno M Gregory {seal}
A M Gregory {seal}
We Richard Randolph and B. Tucker — Justices of
the peace in the City aforesaid do hereby certify that
Amanda M Gregory the wife of John M Gregoy part[y]
to a certain deed, bearing date the tenth day of July 18[41]
and hereunto annexed, personally appeared before us in [the]
City aforesaid: and being examined by us, privily and
apart from her husband, and having the deed af[cut-off]
fully explained to her, she the said Amanda M
Gregory acknowledged the same to be her act and
deed, and declared that she had willingly signed,
sealed and delivered the same, and that she wished
not to retract it. Given under our hands and
seals this tenth day of July 1841
B Tucker JP {seal}
Richard Randolph {seal}
We Richard Randolph and B. Tucker — justices
of the peace in the City aforesaid do hereby certify [cut-off]
that John M Gregory a party to a certain deed bearing d[ate]
on the tenth day of July 1841 and hereto annexed
personally appeared before us in our City aforesaid a[cut-off]
acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and
desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to t[he]
clerk of the county court of York in order that the
said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands
and seals this tenth day of July 1841.
B Tucker JP {seal}
Richard Randolph {seal}
Gregory [& wife]
to} Deed
July 19 - p[illegible] in Yk C C [illegible]
Recorded [illegible]
Sheild cyc
At a court held for the 19th
day of July 1841.
This indenture was produced in court, and with the certificates
of its acknowledgement by John M Gregory and privy
examination of Amanda M his wife, before two of
the justices of Williamsburg thereon endorsed admitted
to record according to Law.
Saml Sheild [JOP]