Decr 2d 1789
Having printed a few copies of the Journal of the
Queens Rangers, with sincere respects I beg the favor to
present you with one of them. I have in the
compilation, endeavored carefully to avoid the giving of
any opinions relative to the measures of those to whom I
was subordinate; confining myself, to as simple a
narrative as possible of minute transactions, whose origin
progress & completion with their various relations I
was a complete Master of, rather than act unfairly
by passing judgment on the actions of others, with all
the circumstances of which it was impossible I should
be acquainted & tho' in consequence, my Journal
be in itself trifling & unimportant, I hope for your
indulgence & that you will receive the Copy as a mark
of that unfeigned respect & true gratitude, with which
I am your most obedient & faithful Servt
JG Simcoe
Genl Grant