Decr 2d 1789
My Lord,
Having printed a few copies of the
Journal of the Q. Rangers, & offered them as a testimony
of respect to the Great officers under whom I served
during the late war; Every sentiment of respect &
gratitude point out to me to present a copy to Earl
Cornwallis. His Lordships absence from this Country
& the very trifling nature of the publication by no
means induces me to wish that it should be
forwarded to him; but as I am extremely anxious
that neither in form as well as in substance, I
should be found remiss in paying that respect to his
Lordship which I shall ever feel, holding Gratitude
as the most Gentlemanlike of all virtues, I take the
liberty of passing trespassing on your Lordship in
desiring of you to preserve the Copy for Earl Cornwallis
I feel myself much distressed by this mode of
appreciation to your Lordship but circumstanced
as I am, I hope you will not impute it to any
other reason than my anxiety to shew my
attention to Earl Cornwallis
with greatest respect
Your Lordship &c
JG Simcoe
to the Bishop of Lichfield