the ancient and extinguished rights of his Britannic Ma-
jesty. For, if the existing condition of the treaty keeps
them alive on the southern side of Lake Ontario, the Ohio
itself will not stop the career.
You will pardon me, Sir, if under these excesses of
Governor Simcoe I am not discouraged by your having
formerly disclaimed a controul over, and a responsibility
for, the Governors of his Britannic Majesty, from resort-
ing to you on this occasion. You are addressed from a
hope, that if he will not be restrained by our remon-
strances, he may at least be apprized, through you, of
the consequences of self-defence. I have the honor, Sir,
to be, with great respect, your most obedient servent,
Mr. Hammond, Minister Plenipoten-
tiary of His Britannic Majesty
New-York 3d
September, 1794
I this day received your letter of the 1st
copies of which I will transmit, by the earliest opportu-
nities that may occur, to Lieutenant Governor Simcoe,
and to his Majesties Ministers in England. I have the
honor to be, with the greatest respect, Sir, your most
obedient humble servant,
The Secretary of State.