Memorandum in Genl
Darlings hand writing
Saild from Plymouth August 15
at Sea — 16
at Sea opened instructions 17
Santa Margarita 16
16 Augt 1806 at noon
Latitude in ----- | 49°..26 N |
Longitude in----- | 5.12.. W |
[Tu]lly---- | No 56 W |
Distance---- | 42 miles |
Latitude in----- | 48° . 54 No |
Longitude---- | 6..57 W |
[Tu]lly--- | N 17 E |
Distance---- | 63 miles |
Latitude in---- | 47°..12 N |
Longitude in--- | 8. 21 W |
Rock of Lisbon — | [illegible] 6. W |
Distance--- | 5 10 miles |
A boat from H M Ship Eurydicia
intelligence from Adml Cochrane [&c &c]
Latitude in---- | 46°. 31 N |
Longitude---- | 8. 38 W |
Cape [Finestre] | [illegible] 7 W |
Distance---- | 220 miles |
Rock of Lisbon---- | [illegible] 5 |
Distance----- | 468 miles |
August 20th
Latitude in---- | 44°.. 52 N |
Longitude in---- | 7.. 39 W |
Cape Finestre … | [illegible] 30 W |
Distance 139 miles | |
Cape Ortugal --- | [illegible] 2 E |
Distance---- | 66 miles |
Set by compass
Cape Ortugal ---- | E [illegible] S |
Cape Prior — | S W B[illegible] |
| 43° 44 |
Set by compass
Cape Ortugal | [S] E 11 Leagues |
Spoke by Signal H M Ship [Spartial] | 43.49 |
N | 71° W |
| 39 M |
| 44° 12 No |
| 9 12 W |
Funchal | S [illegible] W |
Rock of Lisbon | S 5 W |
| 330 miles |
N. | 22° W |
| 50 miles |
| 42 06 W |
| 9 41 W |
Finestre---- | N 22 |
| 50 miles |
[arrow leading to right hand side of page and up]
B[illegible]ings | S 6° 14 |
North of Lisbon | 3 W |
Rock of Lisbon | 3 W |
| 203 Miles |