In the name of God Amen. I William Harwood of Williamsburg being
conscious of the incertitude of human life and particularly of the peculiar
state of my own health at present Do make and constitute this my last
will and testament vizt
I direct that my debts (which from my esti=
mate amount to about £120 or thereabouts) be paid out of the profits
of my plantation for the present year. I then give to my two sisters -
Sarah and Lucy Harwood all my personal estate in fee except what is
Hereafter given. I further give to my said two sisters and my -
Brother Humphrey the profits of my plantation to be made by the joint
Hands of the three, equally to be divided between them during the life
or single state of each of my said sisters. And when either dies or
marries, then her part to be to the surviving sister, the remainder of
the plantation I give to my brother and his heirs forever. I give to
my sister Sally my Snuff box, and to my sister Lucy my sleeve buttons
and plate. I give to Humphrey my Gun, Books and Cloths and my
Sorrel Mare & Colt. In testimony of which I have hereunto set
My hand and affixed my seal this 11th day of May 1793.
W. Harwood (SS)
By way of Council I appoint my brother and my good friend Mr. James Galt executors of this my last will and testament.
W. Harwood (SS)
11th day May 1793
This instrument of writing purporting the last will and testament of
William Harwood decd. was produced in Court whereupon Robert Saunders,
James Galt and John Allen being sworn say that they are well acquainted
with the hand writing of the said William Harwood decd. and verily -
believe that the whole of the said writing and the name subscribed thereto
was written by the said William Harwood, and thereupon the same is
ordered to be recorded. And James Galt the surviving executor in the said
will named having in open Court refused to take upon himself the
burthen of the execution thereof, On the motion of James Semple
who made oath according to Law, and together with Gabriel Maupin,
George Land and Joseph Ferguson his securities entered into and acknowledged
their bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds conditioned as the law
directs certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration on
the said estate with the said will annexed in due form.
Will Russell
C.W.D.C.Will Russell
C.W.D.C.Anty Robinson
C.C.D.C.W.Harwood &c
v } Copy Exhibit