Williamsburg April 14, 1794
I Rought you last weake Informing you that
on account of your not paying Mr
Taylor the money
which you promised me that you wold he has Rought
to Mr
Waller to make the money of me as soon
as he can in consequence of which my property
is advertised this day to be sold the first of next
weake — and as it is not in my power to Rase the
money the sale must Take place unless you will
be so kind as to pay the money to Mr
Taylor if he will
Receive it not to send it to me by Mr
David Miller.
hous [Resiat] shall be good for what Ever he may Receive
against your bond I expected to have herd from you by
this days stage but not hearing Mr
Miller is so kind as
to promis to deliver this and to Transact my Business
with you which will prevent me of the Trouble and Expence
of coming down again which must be the case if you
shuld fail to do I hope that you will consider my case
how hard it will be on me to be oblige to sell Eaight or
Ten of my negroes at half there vallue to pay what you
[ou]ght to pay and when I now that it has been and
is at this Time in your Power to Rase the money or
as mutch as will make Mr Taylor Easy I hope Sir that
you will not disappoint me this Time as it is but a few
days before the sale must take place your compliance with the
above will Ever oblige
Sir your most obedt
James Southall