Session of May 7th 1770
Nov. 8 1769
To his Excellency the Right Honourable NOR-
BORNE Baron de BOTETOURT, his Ma-
jesty's Lieutenant and Governor General of
this Colony and Dominion of Virginia, and
Vice Admiral of the same.
The humble ADDRESS of the COUNCIL.
WE his Majesty's dutiful Subjects, the COUNCIL of Virginia, now
met in General Assembly, return your Excellency our sincerest
Thanks for you kind Speech at the Opening of this Session,
and for the Opportunity you have afforded us of dispatching the Public
Business of this Dominion. Your Excellency may be assured that the
several Matters you have so earnestly recommended to the Legislature at
this Time, will be attended to, and considered by the COUNCIL with all
the Temper and Moderation, which the Importance of them requires; and
that we shall give a chearful and ready Compliance with all such Mea-
sures as may best promote the Honour of the Crown, and the Happiness
of his Majesty's Subjects of Virginia. The Information your Excellency
has been pleased to give us of the Intention of his Majesty's Ministers
to propose in the next Session of Parliament, to take off the Duty upon
Paper, Glass, and Colours, is extremely agreeable to us; as a Repeal of
the Revenue Acts will be the most effectual Method to heal the Differences
that have unhappily subsisted between Great-Britain and her Colonies,
and to restore that Harmony and mutual Confidence which are so neces-
sary for the Welfare and Prosperity of both. We acknowledge, with
particular Satisfaction, that our most sanguine Expectations, upon your
Excellency's Arrival in the Colony, have been fully answered, by the Ex-
perience we have already had of your prudent, wife, and equitable
Administration; and we look upon it as a sure Presage of Happiness to
this Country.
To which his EXCELLENCY was pleased to return the following
I ACCEPT with the utmost Thankfulness your very affectionate Address,
and am proud to acknowledge that I stand indebted to your able and friendly
Council for that Degree of Credit with which I have been honoured by this
respectable Dominion.