Walmer March 19th 1782
Dear Sir
As I find a Bill is on its Way in the House of
Commons Calld
The America Peace Bill in
consequence of a late Resolve of that House
I shall be much Obliged to you when it is
& to be had to purchase it for me
and Send it by the post as also the bill
for the Exchange of American Prisoners
which is I see by the papers also preparg
I shall be Glad to have Your Opinion how
Far the Measures now pursuing may Answer
the purpose of peace with my Country
as also any Farther News you may
please to Communicate as I live here in
perfect Retiremt
Only now & then Seeing
a paper; I shall be glad to know if any
News has been lately recd
from Mr
. G.F. Norton
I Remain Sir with my Compliments to
Moses Robertson
P.S. I hope you have recoverd your Health