Willg, Janry 11th 1795.
My dear Page,
I percieve by the papers that you have
taken your seat, & forward you a pamphlett
sent you by my Brother, which can now go free
of portage—I feared it was too weighty to go with
the enclosed, & have therefore sent it in a separate
Well — is all the secret of Bribery and
Corruption come out. — I think remember a Letter
from Junius to the Duke of Grafton, in which he
treats his Disclosure of Samuel Vaughan's Offer
to bribe him and the consequent prosecution of
that back-sliding patriot, as a Scape-goat offering
to wipe off previous ill-natured Imputations.
I hope this story will not apply to any of our
immaculate federal Legislators: but if it
should, it will be no more than one of those
Arts & Mysteries which we seem fond of borrowing
from that Quarter.
I percieve that Peter Porcupine has shot
a Quill at the late Secretary of State — pray send
it to me taking care that it is only to pay postage
as a newspaper, or pamphlett, if too large
to come free of postage.
I am truly sorry to hear that the young Gentm
you recommended to Mr
W. has proved himself
unworthy of the good opinion entertained of him.
His Fathers Conduct has been such as proves him not
only an honest Man, but possessing [even] Roman
inflexibility in [Case] so nearly affecting his Son. god
preserve all good men from such trials.
Your friend &c
S.G. Tucker