Norfolk Jany 10 1818
St Geo Tucker EsqrSir
I have before me your
esteem'd favor of 22 Ulto. which would have
been reply'd to sooner but for my having
Waited an opp[ortunit]y to send you the little
Articles order'd. If the Packet has been here
since I have no knowledge of it and She
generally lays at a wharf near me
The flour & Crackers have been forwarded
for Bermuda. p[er] [Schr] Pitt Capt. Talbot as also
your letter. say 8 [bbls] flour & 4 half Barrels
Crackers for Mrs
Tucker & Miss Eliza Tucker
& two Barrels flour & one half Barrel Crackers
for Mrs
Jennings all to care of R J Tucker Jr Esqr
to whom I forwarded Bills Lading.
This parcel flour is of very superior quality
The crackers are also very good. Annexd
have [Bill] parcels Amt
$129 71/100 at your
debit. The pear I could not get
I have had no offer whatever for the
vacant lots next to my store. I have just
measured the number feet and find there
is 165 feet precisely along the Lane running
back 26 feet say the width my House
I am respectfully
Sir Yr
Edwd S Waddy
St Geo Tucker Esqr
To Edw S Waddy | Dr. |
To pd for 10 bbls but family flour @ 10 50/100 | 105 |
5 half Barrells Crackers | 20.57 |
Boat here to carry them to Gospat | |
to be put on board Schr Pitt | 1_ |
my Amt on 125.57 D 2/. p[er]ct | 3.14 |
$129.71 |