Norfolk Jany 19. 1818
Geo Tucker Esqr
I am favor'd with yours
of 14th
. The pears shall be sent to your
friends in Bermuda, when opp[ortunit]y offers and
they can be had. There has very few
come to market during the season & these
few have been bought up for shipping as
fast as they arrive. By the Packet which
left here on Saturday evening or Sunday mor[ning]
I Sent you a Box Cont[ainin]g oranges & Lemons. also
a dram Smyrna figs P[er] Bill parcels [JBLL]
annex'd. these were all the articles in your
I could get of such quality as could
suit you the balance I shall keep in view
you need not trouble yourself about a
remittance I am quite satisfied to be paid
out of the next quarters rents
Yrs respectfully
Edw S Waddy
Jany 17. 1818 Recd
of Edw S Waddy
on board Sloop Eagle myself Master
Two small Boxes (contents unknown to me)
Mark'd St
Geo Tucker Esqr
in good order
which I promise to deliver in like good
order (dangers seas only excepted) to St
Tucker Esqr
Williamsburg he paying me
Customary freight —
Thomas Bee[illegible]
1 Drum Smyrna figs 29 | ||
3 26[lb] @ 25 Cts | 6.50 | |
2 doz oranges & 3 doz Lemons | @75 | 3.75 |
Box for packing | 25 | |
at debit S.G. Tuc at 6 ct ESW. | $10.50 |