In the name of God Amen I Thomas
Lud[well] of Bruton in the County of Somerset [Gent] being in perfect health and memory
and being [Lannd] on a Voyag to Virginia do m[ak]e this my last will and testament in manner
and form following. Imprimis my will is that a[ll] the mony I am att present by the blessing of God
possessed of in London be by my Executors [blot] in trust hereafter named put out to interest
soon as they shall know I am dead and [the] whole interest be paid to my deare mother during
her naturall life only I doe except two hundred pounds sterl out of the principall and that to
be paid instantly after my decease to my [dear friend] Mrs Margaret Hayes of Hally-Port neare
[illegible]ayd[tear] [head], and those leg[illegible]s, following [illegible] to Mr James Hayes of Hally-Port aforesaid [illegible]
[and] [rubbing] [J]ohn St F[illegible], Mr Edward [Le]man and Mr John [rubbing] whome I hereby nominate and a[ppoi]nt my
Executors in trust to see this my will performed [to] each of them tenn pounds and to the poor
of the parish of Bruton tenn pounds all which [illegible] to be paid imediately after my death.
Next my will is that after my mother the principall [sum] shall be equally divided between my
four sisters Mary Margaret Sarah and Jane or as many of them as shall be then alive. Next [I] give
unto my dear brother Philip Ludwell and to his heirs for ever all my lands and all my other estate
in Virginia, but in case he dye before mee then I give all my lands in Virginia to his sonn Phill
and his heirs for ever, and my personall estate to be equally divided between him and his sis-
ter Jane except 30 pounds sterl which I hereby order to be paid presently after my death to
the vestry of Bruton Parish in Virginia to be imployd towards the building of a church and
I doe appoint Major Theopholus [Hand] [rubbing] Thorpe and Mr Henry Hartwell my
Executors in trust for the Virginia part of my will giving each of them out of that estate
five pounds sterl In witness that this is my will I have hereunto sett my hand and seale
this [10th] day of November 1676 Tho: Ludwell Signed and sealed in the presence of Mary Le-
man Ri: Gault