burg Dec 19th
The [Intendant] Genl
of the army of France
To the United States | Dr |
For 22 Beves deliver'd the French troops at James Town For Order of the Honble Major Gen. Marquis La Fayette Placed 5th Sep 1781 @ 5-10/ [per] | £121 |
For 3 Bushels Salt delivered [per] rect of Mr Reynaund} | 5- 8 |
9th Dec Ditto at 36/ [per] | ____________ |
£126-8 |
Mark Garrett A[illegible] Amer: Army
Received Williamsburg State of Virginia Febury
1782 from
Wadsworth & Carter agents to the army of France [per] the hand
of A Wells One hundred twenty six pounds eight shilling coin
paying in full for the above Bill
[per] Mark Garrett