Advertisement for Christian Jahns of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jahns decorated walls with panels, figurines, borderings and fancy patterns in imitation of expensive wallpaper. Philadelpia directories place Jahns in Philadelphia during the second decade of the 19th century.
In Imitation of Paper Hangings.
The Subscriber respectfully informs the public, his customers, and the citizens in
particular, that he continues to carry on the above business as usual, in which he has
lately made great improvements as respects utility, durability and cheapness.
1. Plain Colouring of Walls with Pannels, Groups of Figures, Borderings, &c. &c.
2. Figuring of Walls with any Fancy Patterns that may be required, in water, in
imitation of papering, and varnished if required, which will stand washing whenever it
should become soiled. The same work can be done in oil, provided the walls are not
subject to damps, in which case, neither paper-hangings or oil paintings will stand.
He wishes to advise them that country seats in particular are subject to dampness, and
therefore recommends water colours
He has lately invented a plan by which he can colour Plain or Figured Papering
which has become solied, and by two or three coats will cover all the figures, joints, or
faults which appear in the papering, and will be even and handsome, which will not
be so expensive as papering in general.
He likewise informs them that he ornamented several apartments, which have been
very much admired, where the papering has been old and soiled.
The above is done in various colours — and ceilings covered with a very handsome
white, where apartments are painted or papered. The colours are manufactured by
himself, and may be depended on for firmness and durability.
C.J. will prepare Washes of all colours, by the gallon or less quantity, at a reduced
price, with sufficient directions for use, so that any person habituated to white washing,
can lay these washes on the walls.
N.B. House Painting in general executed, and all orders thankfully and punctually
attended to.
Christian Jahns,
No. 216, North Eighth, above Vine Street.