In obedience to the above order of York County Court dated the
twenty first day of December one thousand eight hundred and one
We have divided the tract of land in Bruton Parish in York County
called "Carr's Hill" of which Benjamin Powell deceased died seized
between Nathaniel Walker and Hannah Drew, in the following
manner beginning at a Willow Tree standing on the side of a
Swamp which divides the said tract of Land from the Reverend M.r
W. Croskie's, 1 hance N 11. W 34.c 3 to the barn road thence N 20 w 22C
30 links to a spruce pine side line, thence same course,
twelve chains to a red oak, thence same course 60.C to the ditch
line which divides this tract of land from William [Russell]'s land
where stands a small Dogwood Tree. And we have allotted
the land in the upper part of the above line to Nathaniel Walker
and the lower part to Hannah Drew - Given under our hands
this thirtieth day of February one thousand eight hundred and two—
Benjamin Waller
John Bryan
Matthew Pierce
Returned into York county Court the Day of April 1802
and ordered to be recorded.
Ro: H. Waller cyc
Copy Teste.
Saml. Sheild cyc
In the deed of Armistead Burwell J.r &wife (which Arm. Burwell
is a son of Anna Burwell one of the daughters of Benjamin Powell)
to Nath Walker for one [moiety] of "Carr's Hill" no boundaries are
mentioned -and in the deed from Hannah Drew by Jn Bracken her
attorney to Nathl Walker for the other [moiety] of said tract, no boundaries
are mentioned-the first deed is recorded 17 Sept. 1804— & the last in 1814.
and in no deed recorded in my Office relating to the "Carr's Hill" tract
of land, since the 2 deeds last mentioned, are any boundaries stated.
Sam Sheild cyc
2 Sept. 1843
In relation to Carr's Hill & Gregorys—
from Doc. Sheild & father—
D.r Sam.l S. Griffin
Favor of
Col. McCandlish Williamsburg