This Indenture made the twenty fifth Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and seventy five Between John Randolph and Ariana his Wife of the City of
Williamsburg of the one part and Peyton Randolph, John Blair and James Cocke Esquires of the same
City of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Randolph and Ariana Randolph his Wife for a provision for
the payment of the Debts of him the said John now owing and for and in Consideration of the sum of five
Shillings in hand paid by the said Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke Receipt whereof the said
John both hereby acknowledged the said John and Ariana have domised bargained and sold and do by these presents
domise bargain and sell unto the said Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke their Heirs Executors Administrators
and Assigns the House wherein the said John Randolph now dwelleth in the City of Williamsburg together with one Tract
of Land adjoining the said House part of it lying in the said City of Williamsburg and the remaining part in the County
of James City containing by estimation one hundred Acres by the same more or less which Land was granted to the said
John Randolph by the said Peyton Randolph Esquire with all the Outhouses, Buildings, Edifices, Improvements, Reversion and
Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Ways, Waters, and advantages in any ways appertaining and belonging to the said
House and Land aforementioned; Also one pew in the Church of the said City belonging to the said John Randolph; Also
thirteen Negro Slaves belonging to the said John Randolph, to wit, Dinah, Betty, Betsey Daughter of the said Betty, Esther,
Niles, Son of the said Esther, Anny, Kitty, Sally, Quinda Daughter of the said Sally, Molly, Scilla, Johnny and Troy with all
the future Increase of the said Slaves; Also all the House's old furniture and sundry other things now in the
said House and Outhouses specified in a Schedule hereunto annexed To have and to hold the said House Land and all
and singular the promises hereby domised or mentioned to be domised with their and very of their Appurtenances unto the said
Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns forever. Upon this special Trust
and Confidence that they the said Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke or the Survivors or Survivor their
Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns shall by, with, and out of the Rents, Issues, and Profits of the said domised promises, or by
Sale thereof, or any part thereof, or otherwise as to them shall seem most fit and convenient, raise and Levy Monies, and shall
therewith pay and satisfy all the just and legal Debts of the said John Randolph which he now doth owe to any person or persons
whatsoever, by Specialty, simple contract, or any other way and after all the Debts of the said John Randolph paid and
satisfied shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said John Randolph whatsoever Sum or Sums of Money shall be
left in the Hands of the said Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke, or either of them. In Witness whereof the
said John Randolph and Ariana his Wife their Hands and Seals have set the Day and Year above written.
John Randolph [seal]
Ariana Randolph [seal]
in presence of...........H. W. St. George
Saml Dixon
Wm Roth
Schedule refered to by the Deed
In the Bed Chamber
— Two Beds and Bed-steads, six work Bottom Chairs, two [low straw] bottomd Chairs
one gilt frame looking Glass, one Mahogany Cabinet with Glass Doors, one Dressing Table with Drawers, one Dressing [Box]
one small Looking Glass, six work bottomd Stolls, one pair And Irons with Brass Tops, one pair Tongs and [Seives] with Ditto
In the Upper Chamber
— Two Bedsteads, six Chairs, two Dressing Tables with Drawers, one Desk and BookCase
one Chest of Drawers, one Bed-Carpet, one small [deal] [illegible] Table, one Mahogany Horse for Cloaths. In the Passage
eight Mahogany Chairs, one CupBoard, one Glass Lanthorn. In the Gallery — fourteen green Windsor Chairs, two
large square Mahogany Tables for twelve [illegible], one large oval Mahogany Table, three Globe Lanthorns. In the
Salloon — [illegible], one large glass Lanthorn, four [Grandolos], twelve Mahogany Chairs, two square Mahogany
Tables. In the Drawing Room Ten handsome Mahogany Chairs, two Mahogany Settees, two Mahogany Card Tables,
one plain Black-Walnut Table, one handsome wrought Tea Table, one round [carved] Mahogany Tea Table, one
Mahogany stand for a Tea-Kettle, two worked Fire Screens, one [Japaned] Tea Board, one Grate and fender handsomely wrought, one
pair Tongs and [illegible], one large [pier] Glass with gilt frame, one Chimney Glass with Ditto, one print of the King, one Ditto of the
Queen, two Dutch [pieces] of painting, one [illegible] set of Manquin Tea China, two handsome ornamental China Bra[illegible], [five flower]
pots and six small China figures, on the chimney piece, two handsome crimson silk curtains, one handsome large Turkey Carpet.
In the Dining Parlour — Ten Mahogany Chairs, one Mahogany side Board Table, one round Mahogany Tea Table, one pier
Glass gilt frame, five [pictures], two prints of the King and Queen, one pair handsome green Worsted Window Curtains, one pair ornamental China Br[illegible] seven pieces ornamental
[rubbing], one pair Tongs and [rubbing], [one] [rubbing] [Chimney glass gilt frame], one handsome [illegible] Carpet, one old Ditto.
In the small dining parlour — one pier Glass, eleven Black Walnut Chairs, three calico Window Curtains, one [illegible] Carpet, one pair,
Tongs [illegible] fender and Hooks, one Harpsichord, one Card Table, one Writing Table, one [black] Walnut Table, [Epergene] xxx Cut-glass, con-
taining twelve, Bra[illegible], twelve Baskets, twelve ornaments, six Cream Glasses, six Syllabub Glasses, six Jelly Ditto, large Salver to turn round, one
glass Bra[illegible] and a large Cut-glass for the top ([illegible] Cost seven Guineas), forty seven cut Jelly Glasses, twenty two cut Syllabub Glasses, twelve
cut Glass Baskets, four large handsome cut-glass candlesticks, eleven large glass pickle plates, thirteen ditto, small, three glass Cruets, two
[Handsome] glass Bowls, one glass Dish, seven white Glass gallon Bottles, one glass
Still, one [compleat] Set blue and white China, containing one
Turene and Dish, twenty Dishes, three doz shallow plates, one doz and half deep Ditto, eight Salt Sellors, four Sauce Boats, fifteen old
China Dishes, ten plates Ditto, one red and white China Turene and Dish, nine red and white China Dishes, fourteen plates ditto, eight red and white China Dishes, four red and white China
potting pots and Dishes, two blue and white Ditto, six glass p[attepans], six blue and white China Ditto, seven blue and white China S[illegible]lls &
[Shells], [illegible], one China Cauliflower and plate, three China Bowls, two pint China Bowls and plates, [illegible] Bottles
five China Mugs, two Jugs, Queens Ware, two Earthern Ditto, five flower potts, five China Chocolate Cups and eight
Saucers, three Butter
prints, one [lead Still], two pair Bellows, one warming pan, one cinder pan, one Box [illegible]ority Candles, one box Soap, two Brooms,
one plate warmer, twelve Butter pots, two more ditto, one Tea Box, one Tea Chest, two Cases Silver handle knives and forks, one copper Tea
Kettle, one copper Tea [Kitchen], Two handsome J[illegible] with [weights] [illegible], two Brass Chafing Dishes, x x x x x x x, one Bell St[illegible], six Cannisters,
eight cast pewter Dishes, two doz and nine pewter plates, five milk pans, one Mahogany Dressing Table, five green Windsor Chairs, one green
Settee belonging to the Summer House, sundry carboys and casks of different sizes in the cellar, five large Deal C[illegible]h in the Corn House, one Bed
five large chests, one black Walnut Bed Stead, one poplar Ditto, one pair Brass Scales and Weights, two side Board [Carpets] belonging to the
Dining room, ten S[illegible]ols, Sundry Garden Tools, four new Hoes, one Womans Saddle
At a Court held for James City CountyAugust the 11th 1777.
This Indenture was partly proved the preceding Court by the
Oaths Samuel Dixon and William Roth two of the Witnesses
and this Court finally proved by the Oath of Hambleton
Whes St. George the third Witness thereto and ordered to be
Teste Ben C Waller Cl Lord.
Randolph Esq.
to} Deed
Randolph Esq.
Ru.o & En.d