Doctr, James McClurg
26 | Doctr, James McClurg | Dr. |
1779 | ||
Januy. 11th | To 650 Bricks @ 12/. & 23 bushels of lime @ 3/. | £7.7.0 |
To Bricking up Celler Door. & Rubing Weater Table | 5.0.0 | |
To 3 Days labours work @ 10/. | 1.10.0 | |
29th. | To 250 bricks 27/6, & 23 bushels of lime @ 3/. & 1 bushel of hair 5/. | 5.1.6 |
To 7 Days labour @ 12/. & Seting up A grate 30/. | 5.14.0 | |
To working in Celler window frames 50/. | 2.10.0 | |
To Repairing plastering, & pinting Chimneys 85/. | 4.5.0 | |
March 3 | To White washing 4 Rooms, & 2 Passages 24/. | 7.4.0 |
July 12 | To 2400 bricks A £[illegible], & 28 bushs. of lime 8/. 41.8.0 | 41.8.0 |
To underpining Stable £10.0.0 & 4 Days labr. @ 18/. | 13.12.0 | |
Octobr. 3 | To 300 bricks @ 27/6 pr. | 5.14.6 |
To Repairing well 72/. & 1 Days labour 20/ | 4.12.0 | |
16 | To 500 bricks @ 27/6. 11 bushs. of lime @ 8/. | 11.15.6 |
To underpining Dary & laying floor 233/ (133.10.6) | 12.13.0 | |
To Seting up a Grate 75/. & 3 Days labour @ 20/. | 4.15.0 | |
19 | To work to Amount of | |
£132.11.6 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1779 | ||
July 16th | By 250 bricks. 55/ taken Away | £2.15.0 |
October 21st | By Cash in full. on a Setlement | 133.7.6 |
£136.2.6 |
Doctr, James Mc, Clurg | Dr. | |
1783 | ||
June 13th | To 2 bushs. of Lime @ 1/. | £0.1.0 |
To Repairing Plastering 3/. & hair 4d & ½ Days labr. 1/6 | 0.l4.10 | |
To whitewashing 2 Rooms & a passage @ 5/. | 0.15.0 | |
To 1½ bushel of Whitewash 3/. | 0.3.0 | |
19 | To mending plastering up Stairs 1/6 | 0.1.6 |
To Whitewashing 2 Rooms & a passage @ 5/. | 0.15.0 | |
To ½ bushel of Whitewash 1/. | 0.1.0 | |
Septemr. 26th | To 4 bushs. lime 4/. & laying a harth 2/6 | 0.6.6 |
To turning Arch & takg. down back 3/. | 0.3.0 | |
To repairing Cellar wall 3/6 & layg. Kitchen harth & back 3/9 | 0.7.5 | |
To 488 Bricks 5/. & 2 Days labour @ 3/. | 0.11.0 | |
Decemr. 5 | To 8 bushs. of lime @ 1/. & building up the brest of Chimney 10/ } and 2 days labour 6/. } | 1.4.0 |
£4.10.3 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1784 | ||
April 16th | By Cash Recd, in full | £4.10.3 |
£4.10.3 |
Mr William Hornsby
(27) | Mr William Hornsby | Dr. |
1779 | ||
February 19 | To mortar 7/. & Mending Plastering 18/. | £1.5.0 |
March 10 | To 800 bricks @ 15/. pr. | 10.11.6 |
To Building a fier place to the forge Chimney at D. Rosses 80/. | 4.0.0 | |
April 3. | To 600 Bricks @ 15/. 35 bushels of lime @ 3/6, & 300 Larthes 18/. (Hubards House) | 13.5.6 |
To Carting A load of Sand 12/. & Repairing plasterg. in Great Room Whitewashing Do. 60/. | 3.12.0 | |
To laying Kitching Harth 22/6. & Repairg. Larthing & plasterg. 36/. Do. & Whitewhg. Do. 30/. | 4.8.6 | |
To pillering Poarch 22/6. & larthing & plastering Do, 40/. | 3.2.6 | |
10 | To Altering fier place in Chamber 48/. & Repairing Celler wall [illegible] | 5.8.0 |
To Whitewashing Landary 30/. & 8 Days labour @ 12/. & 1 bush. of hair12/. | 6.18.0 | |
14 | To 200 Bricks @ 16/6 & 35 Bushels of lime @ 4/6, & 1000 larthes 60/. | 12.10.6 |
To Repairing Celler Steps 22/6. lb 1 bushel of hair 12/. & 3 days labr. at 2/. | 3.10.6 | |
To larthing & plastering 180/. Kitching (at Rosses) to 2 Shads 12/ | 9.12.0 | |
May 8. | To 400 bricks @ 80/. & 9 bushs. of lime @ 6/. Contractg, Chimney & layg. harth 48/. | 8.19.0 |
To 2 days labour @ 15/. to working up wall in Celler 36/. | 3.6.0 | |
To putting up Crane in Kitching Chimney 24/. | 1.4.0 | |
To Whitewashing Kitching & A Room Adjoining @ 30/. | 3.0.0 | |
18. | To 18 Bushs. of lime @ 6/. & ½ do. of hair 6/. & 1½ days labour @ 15/. | 6.16.6 |
To Repairing larthing & Plastering in the Room below at Rosses 60/ | 3.0.0 | |
29 | To 4 bushels of lime @ 6/. To puting in 3 window frames In Celler wall 40/ | 3.4.0 |
To 1 Days labour 15/. to Hair & mending Plasterg. up Stares 18/. | 1.13.0 | |
31 | To White-washing 2 Rooms & 2 passages @ 30/. 115.10.6 | 6.0.0 |
Decemr. 31. | To 2000 Bricks £55.0.0, & 28 bushels of lime @ 15/. | 77.0.0 |
To Building A Chimney to a Shead. £25.0.0. & 7 Days labr. @ 40/. | 39.0.0 | |
1780 | ||
June 17. | To Cash to Ballance | 217.7.0 |
£450.13.6 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1779 | ||
March 10th | By 3 Bushels of lime taken Away @ 4/6 | 0.13.6 |
Octobr. 18. | By Cash in part pr. Account | 90.0.0 |
1780 | ||
May 10 | By 10 Galls. of Rum, @ £36.0.0 pr. Gall. | 360.0.0 |
£450.13.6 |
Mr William Hornsby
Mr William Hornsby | Dr. | |
1780 | ||
June 17th | To 8 bushs. of lime @ 9d. 110 bricks @ 2/9 pr. | 0.10.6 |
To mending Plastering 10/. & Repairing Chimney 8/. & layg. harth 2/6 | 1.0.6 | |
To Whitewashing 2 Rooms 3/9. | 0.15.6 | |
1781 | ||
March 18 | To 4 Barrels of Corn Lent (but not paid) & in 84 Charged @ 22/6 | 4.10.0 |
Novemr. 11 | To 1 bushel of Mortar 1/6. & mending plastering 3/ | 0.4.6 |
To Whitewashing 2 Rooms & a passage 22/6 £4.1.3 March 18th 4 barrel of corn lent | 1.2.6 | |
1783 | ||
Januay. 3rd | To 300 old Clab board @ 3/. | 0.3.0 |
1784 | ||
June 4. | To 1 bushel of whitwash 2/. & whitwashing 2 Rooms. & 2 } Passages @ 4/6. } | 1.3.0 |
£9.15.6 | ||
[Per Contra] | [Cr.] | |
1784 | ||
October 25 | By His Account to this day | £0.18.0 |
By Cash to Ballance | 8.17.0 | |
£9.15.0 |
Colo James Inness
28 | Colo James Inness | Dr. |
1779 | ||
February 10th | To 110 bricks 12/. : 4 bushs. of lime 12/. & 1 Days labour 12/. | £1.16.0 |
To Repairing Celler Steps. & Do. to underpining of the Smoake House 30/. | 1.10.0 | |
July 8 | To 500 bricks 110/. 28 bushs. of lime @ 6/. & haire 15/. & 5 Days labr. @ 18/. | 19.3.0 |
To mending plastering 60/. & Repairing Kitching Chimney 42/ | 5.2.0 | |
To laying 3 Harthes @ 20/. & White washing 5 Rooms & 2 passages @ 36/. | 15.12.0 | |
October 29 | To 1036 Bricks £18.12.22 bushs. of lime @ 12/. & 4½ Days labr. @ 24/. | 38.14.0 |
To Seting up a Grate 90/. & Repairing 2 Pair of Steps & Do. Celler £12. | 16.10.0 | |
Novemr. 19 | To A load of Oat Straw £15.0.0 | 15.0.0 |
£113.7.0 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1780 | ||
March 9th | By Cash | £113.0.0. |
£113.0.0 |
Colo. James Inness | Dr. | |
1781 | ||
March 28th | To Lime & hair 2/. & Mending Plastering 3/ | £0.5.0 |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1782 | ||
Novemr. 6th | By Cash to Ballance. | £0.5.0 |
[Colo. James Inness] | ||
1784 | ||
May 26th | To 6 Bushels of lime 6/. & repairing well 7/6. & 1 Days labour 2/6 | 0.16.0 |
June 5 | To 1 Bushel of Mortar 1/6. & laying a Harth. & mending Jambs 3/6 | 0.5.0 |
To plastering a Chimney & whitwashing a Room 6/. | 0.6.0 | |
1786 | ||
Novemr. 9 | To 18 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 350 Bricks @ 3/ & 3 days labr. @ 2/6 | 1.16.0 |
To setting up 4 Grates @ 7/6 & repairing plastering 3/9 | 1.13.9 | |
£4/16.9 | ||
(settlement refund) | ||
Per Contra | Cr. |
Mr. John Lamb
Mr. John Lamb | Dr. | |
1779 | ||
Octo. 28 | To 1½ bar. of Corn £31.10.0 | £31.10.0 |
1780 | ||
June 5 | To 1½ bush. lime 1/3. mending plastering 6/. & whitewashing 2 Rooms & } passage @ 3/9 } | 0.18.0 |
(vid. fol. 1.) | £32.8.0 | |
Per Contra | Cr. |
Mr Benjn. Weldon. (for Henry Nicolsons Estate
Mr Benjn. Weldon. (for Henry Nicolsons Estate | Dr. | |
1780 | ||
Januy. 17th. | To 8 bushs. of lime @ [illegible]; & ½ do. hair [illegible]d & 1 days labr. 2/6 | £0.8.9 |
To 2 days work Mending plastering 12/. | 0.12.0 | |
21 | To Whitewashing 2 Rooms, & a Closset @ 3/9 | 0.11.3 |
27. | To 100 bricks 2/9. Mending Kitching Chimney 3/9. & labr. 7/6 | 0.7.9 |
March 18. | To 2 bushs. of lime 1/6. hair 6d. & mendg. plastering 2/6 & ½ day labr. 1/. | 0.5.6 |
To Whitewashing 3 Rooms, & A passage @ 3/9. | 0.11.3 | |
£2.16.6 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1785 | ||
Augut. 10 | By this Account Carried to Mr. Henry Nicolson's Account (Folio 41) | £2.16.6 |
£2.16.6 |
Mrs Sarah Lister
Mrs Sarah Lister | Dr. | |
1787 | ||
April 10th | To Alteration of Wm. Hornesbys lots to 5/. my fee As Commissioner | 0.5.0 |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1788 | ||
Januy. 8th | By the Hire of Negro woman Morning for this year @ | £4.0.0 |
Mr William Page (Mercht. at brick House)
Mrs. Anne Blair (or Mrs. Jas. Blair)
Mrs. Anne Blair (or Mrs. Jas. Blair) | Dr. | |
1780 | ||
June 8th | To Whitewashing 2 Rooms @ 3/9 | |
Per Contra | Cr. |
Mr George Chaplin
29 | Mr George Chaplin | Dr. |
1779 | ||
February 19th | To 200 bushs. of lime @ 9d 60/. 70 larthes 9d 5/. & ½ a bushs. of hair 9d 3/. | £3.8.0 |
To Repairing Larthing & plastering 72/. 10d & labours 18/ | 4.10.0 | |
March 8 | To Whitewashing 2 Rooms, & 2 Passages @ 24/. | 4.16.0 |
May 11 | To 22 bushs. of lime @ 6/. & 1100 bricks 20/. 30/ Per | 19.[illegible].0 |
To underpining Smoak House [illegible] & Ditto Stable 80/15/. | 5.10.0 | |
To Laying A harth 15/.2/6 & 3 days labour @ 2/. 15/. | 3.0.0 | |
July 18 | To A Quarter of Veal 72/, 6/. & August (12th). To A Qr. Do. 72/.6/. | 7.4.0 |
October 19 | To 35 lbs. of Cotton in the Seed @ 9d. | |
Nover. 17 | To 115 Bricks 31/.3/. & 3 bushs. of lime @ 15/.@ 9d & labours work 36/2/. | 5.10.0 |
To Repairing Steps. laying A harth & mending a back 100.8/. | 5.0.0 | |
1780 | ||
Januy. 8 | To 1 load of Wood 50 Dollars, (21st) to 1 Load Ditto 50 Dollars | 24.0.0 |
To 65 ld of Cotton in the Seed. @ 9d to Carting a load of Clover from Colo. Braxtons Qur to town 4/. | ||
To 5 barrels. 3½ bushels of Corn lent you (28th) October 1779 | ||
July 1. | To 1 years Rent of My lot Adjoining Him. for Which you ware } To pay me two Ewe lambs in September 1779 (but Never did) } | |
1787 | ||
Novr. 27 | To 5 bushels of lime 5/. & repairing Chimney & Hearth 2/6. | 0.7.6 |
To repairing plastering 7/6. | 0.7.6 | |
To labours Work 2/6 & whitewashing 2 Rooms 9/. | 0.11.6 | |
1788 | ||
March 13 | To 400 lbs. of Oats in Straw @ 6/. pr. | 2.0.6 |
April 4 | To 137 lbs. do. 8/. (19th) To 100 lbs. of Oats 6/. (June 3rd) To 3½ bus. of Oats @ 3/. | 1.4.6 |
June 17 | To half a Barrell of Corn 7/6 (August 2nd) to a barrel of Corn 15/. & Sow Pigg 4/6 | 1.7.0 |
Sepr. 3 | To 1 do. of do. 15/. | 0.15.0 |
25 | To 2½ bushels of wheat @ 5/. | 0.12.6 |
Octor. 12 | To money received for Beef (17th.) To 1 barrel of Corn 15/. | 3.15.0 |
17 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1779 | ||
August | By 14½lb of Beef 72/. | |
Decemr. 7th | By a Cow Calf Which I discounted 1½ } barrels of Corn for which was } Part | |
1780 | ||
May 25th | By 1 barrel & 3 bushels at Sundary times | |
1788 | ||
April 15 | By a Veals head & pluck 2/. (20th) by a Qr. 6/. & by 5 loads of Dung in my Little Cart | |
May 22 | By a hind Qr. Veal 6/. (23rd) by Boneter 2/6. (25th) by a Sholder of Veal 2/. | |
27 | By a Rack. & breast 3/. (June | |
June 11 | By a Rack of do. 1/6. (18th) by a leg of Veal 2/6 (20th) by a breast 1/6 (22nd) by a Rack 2/3 | |
27 | By a leg 2/6 (29th) by a line 3/. (July 1st) by a head & pluck 2/. (3rd) a Rack 2/. (& 6) a breast 1/6 | |
July 11 | By a Rack of Veal 2/. (20th) By a hid Qr. Shoat 2/6 (23rd) by a leg of Veal 2/6. | |
27 | By a line 3/6 (29th ) by 10 lb of beef @ 3/. (August 2nd) by 10 lb. Do. @ 3½d | |
August 8 | By 6 lbs. Beef @ 3½. (14th) By a leg of Veal 2/6 | |
24 | By a Quarter of Shoat 2/6 (24th) By Quartr of Shoat 2/6. (both hind Quarters) | |
29 | By Quarter of lamb 3/. | |
31 | By a leg of Mutton (Septr. 3rd) By 8 lb of Beef @ 3d (9th) By 5 lb. do. @ 3d | |
Sepr. 10 | By 10½lb. of Beef @ 3d (17th) By 9 lb. of Beef @ 3d | |
30 | (By 15 lb. of Beef pd. for (belonging to Lively) (9th Octor.) By 9 lb. of Beef @ 3d | |
--- Octor. 10 | By 2 Fried Briskets & a Tongue | |
12 | By Cash 20/. in part of money received for Beef killed & sold by him | |
16 | By 6/. | |
By Quarter of mutton 3/. (21st) By 14 lb. of Beef @ 3d | ||
23 | By hind Quarter of do. 3/. |
Mr Matthew Adderson (Merchant)
Mr Matthew Adderson (Merchant) | Dr. | |
1784 | ||
May 19th. | To 4 Bushels of Lime @ 1/. & hair 4d. } | 0.4.4 |
To repairing plastering 6/. & labour 1/6 } This Account to be | 0.7.6 | |
June 5. | To 1 bushel of whitwash 2/. } Charged to James Anderson | 0.2.0 |
To whitwashing 2 Rooms & 2 passages at 4/6 } as the work was done | 0.18.0 | |
To do 2 Clossetts at 2/6 & 1 Cealing to a Room 2/6 } at his House | 0.7.6 | |
1785 | ||
Februy. 18. | To 7 bushels of lime 7/. & 800 bricks @ 3/. } | 1.11.0 |
To 3 days labr. @ 2/6 & underpining Smoke House 15/. } | 1.2.6 | |
To repairing Jambs to Cellar Steps 3/6 J. Ands. } | 0.3.6 | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
Setled on Folio (105) | ||
This account of £4.16.4 is charged to Mr. James Anderson see page 115 |
[Mr Matthew Adderson (Merchant)]
[Mr Matthew Adderson (Merchant)] | [Dr.] | |
1787 | ||
January 10 | To 16 bushels of lime 16/. & 100 bricks 3/. | 0.19.0 |
To 1 bushel of hair 2/. & 2½ days labour @ 2/6 | 0.8.3 | |
To repairing plastering 9/. & setting up a Grate 7/6. | 0.16.6 | |
To working up Forge 2/6 | 0.2.6 | |
24 | To 8 bushels of lime 8/. & building Wall to Cellar Cap &c 12/. | 1.0.0 |
To labours work 3/. | 0.3.0 | |
March 6 | To ¾ of a bushel of Whitewash 1/6 | 0.1.6 |
To Whitewashing 2 Rooms to Store & } one do. for Mrs. Craig by your direction @ 4/6 } | 0.13.6 | |
(Carried to Folio 105) | £4.4.3 |
[Per Contra] | [Cr.] | |
1789 | ||
May 25 | By settlement of this account in Store account as you will see on Folio 89 | £4.4.3 |
£4.4.3 |
Doctr. William Carter
Folo 30 | Doctr. William Carter | Dr. |
1779 | ||
June 28th | To 1 bushel of lime pr. Note 8/. (Septr. 11th) to 4 bushs. of lime pr. Tom | £2.0.0 |
1780 | ||
February 28 | To Sundary Work Done to Amount of | 120.0.0 |
£122.0.0 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1780 | ||
March 25th | By Oyster Shells | £2.0.0 |
By Cash to Ballance | 120.0.0 | |
£122.0.0 |
[Doctr. William Carter] | ||
1785 | ||
Januay. 12th | To 2 bushels of lime 2/. | £0.2.0 |
To cutting a window & putting in door frame 15/. | 0.15.0 | |
To 1 days Labour 2/6 | 0.2.6 | |
14 | To 4 bushels of lime 4/. & 1 days labr. 2/6. | 0.6.6 |
To cuting out door through the wall. & working in } Door frame 15/. (for Low's Store) } | 0.15.0 | |
May 2nd | To 128 bricks 3/9 & cuting window Jambs in shop & plas- } tering at 12/6 } | 0.16.3 |
To cuting a floor & working in Frame & working up old } door & plastering them 15/6. & 3 days. labr. @ 2/. } | 1.1.6 | |
30th | To 36 bushels of lime at 1/. & 340 bricks @ 3/. & 7 days lar. @ 2/6 | 3.3.9 |
To cuting out 2 doors, & working them up, & stoping up 1 door, & } Repairing plastering 28/. } | 2.8.0 | |
(Carried to Credit side.) (70) | £9.10.6 | |
Brought over | Dr. | |
1785 | ||
May 30th | To cuting out Window, & working in frame 7/6 | 9.10.6 |
To rubing 56 Returns, & do. arch, & seting them 13/6. | £0.7.6 | |
To working up a Jamb, & cuting an hole in partition 4/6. | 0.13.6 | |
To setting up a Grate 6/. & to 2 bushels of lime 2/. & plasterg, windows 3/6 | 0.4.6 | |
0.1 | ||
(Carried to Folio 70) | ||
£11.6.6 | ||
[Per Contra] | [Cr.] | |
1785 | ||
June 1st | By an Order on Hubard Watkins for 6/8 | 0.6.8 |
July 20 | By Cash 56/. by Jallap 6/8, & Ipecacuana 5/0 | 3.7.8 |
August 3 | By ditto 48/. in part | 2.8.0 |
6.2.4 |
Mr. William Geddy (Black Smith)
Mr. William Geddy (Black Smith) | Dr. | |
1783 | ||
June 19th | To 10 bushels of lime @ 1/. & hair 9d & repairg, Plasterg, 12/. | £1.2.9 |
To 1½ days labr. 4/6. | 0.4.6 | |
July 15 | To whitwashing a Room & Closset 6/. & ½ bushs. Whitwash 1/. | 0.7.0 |
£1.14.3 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. |