Mr John Farqueharson
[Folio] 36 | Mr John Farqueharson | Dr. |
1780 | ||
August 16 | To Cash paid to purchase Beefs £163.10.0 (on partnership Acct.) | £163.10.0 |
26 | To Ditto of Colo. Nathaniel Burwell pr Order | 630.15.0 |
To do. | 21.18.0 | |
1781 | To Do. Paid the Widdow Robinson for 2 beefs | 350.0.0 |
June 29 | To A pair of Chair Wheels 80/. | 4.0.0 |
1782 | ||
January 4th | To Mortar. Larthes. & Mending plastering 5/. Specie | 0.5.0 |
Novemr 7. | To 2 Bushs. of lime 3/. & Repairing Plastering 3/6. | 0.6.6 |
To Whitewashing 3 Rooms, & 2 Passages @ 5/. | 1.5.0 | |
To 3 pecks of Whitewash 3/. | 0.2.3 | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1782 | ||
Novemr. 15th | By Cash 60/. in part of Chair Wheels, & do. 28/. part of White-washg | £4.8.0 |
Margaret Farqueharson
Margaret Farqueharson | Dr. | |
1785 | ||
October 23rd | To 3 bushs. of lime 3/. & 130 bricks 3/9. & laying harth 2/6 | 0.9.3 |
To Seting up a Grate 7/6, & labours work 2/6. | 0.10.0 | |
[Per Contra] | [Cr.] | |
[blank] |
Mr James Slate
Mr James Slate | Dr. | |
1780 | ||
March 10th | To Takeing Down A Grate 2/6 To Seting up a Grate & Materials 13/6 | 0.15.6 |
Septr. 4 | To A Quarter of Veal £24.0.0 | |
(insolvent) | ||
Per Contra | Cr. |
Mrs Sarah Charlton
Mrs Sarah Charlton | Dr. | |
1780 | ||
Februy 10th | To 1 bushel of lime 9d: & takeing in Back of Chimy. 3/6. & lar. 1/. | 0.4.6 |
April 24 | To 8 Do. 6/. & 200 bricks 5/6. 2 days lar. 4/. & Repairg. 2 pr. Steps 12/6 | 1.8.0 |
£1.12.6 |
Captn. Anthony Singleton
Captn. Anthony Singleton | Dr. | |
1783 | ||
Novemr. 3rd. | To 1000 weight of oats & Straw @ 6/. Per Centum | £3.0.0 |
1784 | ||
July 28th | To 500 lb. of Oats | 1.10.0 |
Octor. 19 | To 2½ bushels of Corn 10/. | 0.10.0 |
Novr. 5 | To ½ barrel of Corn 10/. (26th) to ½ barrel of Corn 10/. | 1.0.0 |
Decr. 13 | To ½ do. of Corn 10/. | |
22 | To 100 bricks 3/. & 3 bushells of lime 3/. & setting up } a Grate 7/6 & 1 days labr. 2/. & ½ barl. of Corn 6/: } | 0.25.6 |
£7.11.6 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
The charges on the other Side to be made agst. Goodson's Est. by consent. | ||
WH |
Mr William Hunter
37 | Mr William Hunter | Dr. |
1780 | January 30 To Ditch | £4.16.8 |
April 22 | To a Quarter of Veal 5/.£13.10.0. (May 29th) to a Qr. Do. £12.0.0 | 0.10.0 |
May 30 | To Whitewashing a Room @ 3/9. A passage, & 2 Clossets @ 3/9 | 0.11.3 |
October 30 | To 8½ bushels of Wheat @ 6/3 | 2.11.0 |
1782 | ||
March 9 | To bricks & Repairing Chimney for Mrs. Hunter 5/ | 0.5.0 |
0.12.0 | ||
£8.13.11 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. |
Mr. Robert Waller
Mr. Robert Waller | Dr. | |
1784 | ||
July 16th | To 84 lb. of Oats in the Straw @ 6/. | 0.6.0 |
1785 | ||
Novr. 29 | To 60 bricks 1/10¾, & 2 bushels of lime 2/. | 0.3.10¾ |
To laying an Harth 3/. & labours work 9d | 0.3.9 | |
(Carried to Folio 102) | £13.7¾ | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1785 | ||
March 28th | By your fee for Aprasement of Mr Goodsons Estate | 0.6.0 |
1785 | ||
Novr. 28th | By cash received 7/7¾ | 0.7.7¾ |
£0.13.7¾ |
Mr William Rowsy
Mr William Rowsy | Dr. | |
1780 | ||
April 22nd | To 3 bushs. of lime 2/3 hair 6d & larthing & plastering up } a door 6/. & labours work 2/6. } | 0.10.9 |
May 29 | To 3 bushs. of lime 2/3 & 40 bricks 1/3 & 1 Days labour 2/. | 0.5.9 |
To Repairing A pair of Steps 6/. & Do. plasterg. 2/. | 0.8.0 | |
1782 | ||
May 16 | To 10 bushs. of lime @ 1/6. & Repairg. Well 24/. & 2 days labour 8/ | 2.07.0 |
June 11 | To 4 Do. of do. 6/. & hair 9d. & 1 Days labour @ 4/ | 0.10.9 |
To Repairing Plastering in Dary 12/ 4.12.6 | 0.12.0 | |
£4.14.3 | ||
Carried to folio 50) | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1782 | ||
August 26th. | By His Account | £2.14.3 |
By Cash to Ballance | 2.0.0 | |
£4.14.3 |
Capt. Edward Moody
Capt. Edward Moody | Dr. | |
1780 | ||
May 11 | To Cash Lent you pr. your letter. 95 Dollars | £28.10.0 |
Per Contra | Cr. |
Mr Alexander Haye
38 | Mr Alexander Haye | Dr. |
1780 | To A years Rent @ £6.0.0 | 6.0.0 |
June 10 | To A Quarter of Veal £12.0.0 (& 13th) Cash lent 60 dollars | £30.0.0 |
August 18 | To half A Quar. Veal 33 dollars (29th) To 2 bushs. of Wheat @ 100 dollars | |
30 | To 8 lbs. of Beef @ 22/. pr. lb. (Septr. 19th) to half a day of my, Ox. Cart. 6/3 | |
1781 | ||
Jany. 1 | To 1 years Rent @ £6.0.0 (18th) to 1 Days work of my Cart 12/6. | 6.12.6 |
19 | To 1 load of Wood 6/. (August 31st) to 6 lb of Veal @ 4d. | 0.8.0 |
Septemr. 10 | To 14½ lb. of Beef @ 4d, | 0.5.6 |
1782 | ||
Januy 1. | To A years Rent, @ £6.0.0 | 6.0.0 |
Septer. 25 | To 2½ Bushs. of Wheat @ 6/. Octobr. 30th) to 2 bushs. of Wheat @ 6/. | 1.7.0 |
Novemr. 9 | To 1 do. of Do. 6/, Novemr. 21st) to ½ do. 3/. | 0.9.0 |
1783 | ||
March 14. | To Cash lent your Wife 6/8 | 0.6.8 |
April 7th | To 2½ Bushs. of Wheat @ 6/. | 0.15.0 |
To 3 bushs. of Wheat @ 6/. | 0.18.0 | |
Novemr. 11 | To Cash lent you 6/. & do. paid Mrs. Haye 6/. | 0.12.0 |
1784 | ||
June 12. | To 1 Bushel of Corn 7/8 | 0.7.8 |
To 1½ do. of Corn & 1 do for Ducks | 0.12.6 | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1781 | ||
Januy 19 | By Cash 200 Dollars paper @ 12/. | |
1784 | ||
June | By Ducks |
Mrs. Barbary Haye | Dr. | |
1785 | ||
February 7th | To Cash lent to bury your husband 28/. | £1.8.0 |
Per Contra | Cr. |
The Revd. John Brackin
The Revd. John Brackin | Dr. | |
1780 | ||
Augt 4th | To 3 bushels of Wheat at 6/0 | 0.18.0 |
19 | To 3 Do. of Do. @ 6/. | 0.18.0 |
Septemr. 4 | To 3 Do. of Do. @ 6/. | 0.18.0 |
30 | To 3 Do. of Do. @ 6/. | 0.18.0 |
To 3 Do. of Do. @ 6/. | 0.18.0 | |
1782 | ||
Augt. 24th | To 3 Do. of Do. @ 6/. | 0.18.0 |
Decemr. 20. | To a Hogshead of Tobacos Weight Neat 979 lb @ 20/. | 9.15.0 |
1783 | ||
Februay. 18 | To 6 Bushels of Wheat @ 6/ | 1.16.0 |
April 1 | To 13 1/4lb of sole Leather @ 11½d | 0.12.5½ |
Augt. 5 | To an Order Given you on the Revd. Mr. James Madison } President of Wm & Mary College, the Above order Accepted } | 20.0.0 |
£37.11.5½ | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1780 | ||
Decemr 30th | By A Years Schooling. @ hhd Tobacco. or £10.0.0 | £10.0.0 |
1781 | ||
Decemr. 30 | By A peart of A years Schooling Occationed } by the Invation } | 7.11.5½ |
1782 | ||
Decemr. 30 | By A years Schooling at A hhd of Tobacco | 10.0.0 |
1783 | ||
June 25th | By half a years Schooling of My Sons Wm. & Humy | 10.0.0 |
£37.11. 5½ |
The Reverend John Bracken
The Reverend John Bracken | Dr. | |
1784 | ||
July 9th | To 620 lb of Oats @ 6/. Pr. | £1.17.0 |
17 | To 1525 do of Oats @ 6/. Pr. | 4.11.6 |
August 12 | To 320 lb of Oats @ 6/. | 0.19.2 |
25 | To 330 lb of Oats @ 6/. Pr. | 0.19.8 |
Sepr. 18 | To [illegible] lb of oats in the Straw @ 6/. | 1.11.0 |
Carried to Follio (78) | ||
9.18.4 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1784 | ||
Octor. 5th | By 43 lb. 5 oz of loaf Sugar @ 1/3, & 2 lb of Hyson Tea @ 16/. | 4.6.1½ |
1785 | ||
Januy. 13 | By 33½ lb. of ditto @ 1/3. & 1 lb. Hyson Tea 16/. | 2.17.10½ |
£7.4.0 |
Majr. Peyton Randolph (Henrico Co)
39 | Majr. Peyton Randolph (Henrico Co) | Dr. |
1782 | ||
January 22nd | To Cash paid Anthoney Mayson in part pr. Ordr. | £1.0.0 |
Februy 2. | To Cash paid Mr. Price your Over Sier £43.14.0 | 43;14.0 |
To Mr Samuel Beal's Receipt for 12575. lb. Weight } of Barley. In the Straw. the said Receipt Delivered to Mr. Price } | 56.11.9 | |
To 6 days work Thrashing barley @ 2/. & 5 days treading with } two of my Horses. & 2 Negro men. & A boy Each Day @ 15/. } | 4.7.0 | |
To 3 Days of My Self. & 2 Negro men Each Day } Weighing the Barley & Delivering it the Waggones @ 7/. } | 1.1.0 | |
June 13 | To Cash Recd. of Wadsworth, & Carter, for Pasturage | 18.0.0 |
27 | To Do. Ball. for Horses of 976 weeks at 6d P Week | 6.8.0 |
To Do. Which they Allowed for the Beefs | 6.0.0 | |
Novr. 25 | To Do. Paid Wm. Rowsay Sheriff of york County for } Tax on 480 Acres of land in Said County. Receipt } | 2.8.0 |
To Do. paid Leonard Henley Collector for inlisting } A man (As per Receipt.) } | 2.17.6¾ | |
1783 | ||
Januy 4 | To Cash paid Power Ball. of land Tax. in J. C. County | 7.10.5 |
To Do. pd. William Moody Collectr. for a Soldier | 0.6.0 | |
8 | To do. pd. Thomas Gale. by your Order | 5.10.6 |
Februy 15 | To do. paid Thomas Gale by the Hands of Sally | 1.0.0 |
May 20 | To do. pd. Thos. Gale 86/8. | 4.6.8 |
1785 | ||
May 14 | To do. pd. Thos. Gale Red. from Colo. Dudley Digges | 7.7.6 |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1781 | ||
Novemr. 20th | By a Sow Sold Dudley Diggs Esqr. 30/. | £1.10.0 |
By 2 Shoats & 3 piggs to my Self @ 6/ | 1.10.0 | |
By 2 Do. & 2 do. to Anthoney Mayson @ 6/. | 1.4.0 | |
By Cash Recd. from Mayson for barley taken by the French | 0.12.0 | |
30th. | By 46 Bushs. of Barley Sold Col. Taliaferro @ 4/. Thrashed & Cleaned by Mr Taliaferro | 9.4.0 |
Decemr. 12 | By 115 bushs. of Barley Sold Patrick McShavery @ 6/ | 34.10.0 |
By A load of Hay to Colo. Dudley Diggs | ||
By A load of Do. to Self 1260 lb. Weight @ 9/. | 5.13.3 | |
By 4 loads of Barley Straw from Kings Mill } By 1 Do. of Do. Whites: (Self) } | ||
1782 | ||
Januy 9 | By 12575 lbs. Barley & Straw @ 9/. pr. To Mr. Samuel Beall } | 56.11.9 |
June 13 | To Cash | 18.0.0 |
29 | To Do. paid | 5.12.6 |
July 19 | To Do. Sent you by Harrison Randolph | 6.15.6 |
Septemr. 27 | By Cash Recd. of Mary Roberts in part of Rent | 2.0.0 |
Novemr. 10. | By Do. of John Brown in part of his Rent | 3.0.0 |
Decemr. 24 | By do. of John Brown Ballance of his Rent | 3.0.0 |
31 | By do, of George Booth for His Rent | 6.0.0 |
1783 | ||
February 15 | By do. of Boze Booth in part of His Rent | 4.0.0 |
May 20 | By do. of Boze Booth 40/. & by Do. Matt. Wade 46/8 | 4.6.8 |
Mr. Samuel Crawley
Mr. Samuel Crawley | Dr. | |
1784 | ||
July 9th | To 3½ bushs. of lime @ 1/. & repairing plastering 2/6 | £0.6.0 |
To whitwashing 2 Rooms @ 4/6. | 0.9.0 | |
0.15.0 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1785 | ||
July 15 | By an Order on James Honey & Cash Recd. 15/. | £0.15.0 |
£0.15.0 |
Mr. Samuel Crawley
Mr. Samuel Crawley | Dr. | |
1787 | ||
March 19th | To 4 bushels of 4/. & hair 6d. | £0.4.6 |
To repairing plastering 6/. & labour 2/. | 0.8.0 | |
To White-washing 2 Rooms & a passage @ 4/6 | 0.13.6 | |
July 31 | To 1½ bushel of lime 1/6 & repairing plastering 1/6 | 0.3.0 |
To White-washing 2 Rooms @ 4/6 | 0.9.0 | |
£1.18 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1788 | ||
June | By Shells as pr. his acct. to bal. the acct. | £1.18.0 |
Mr James Honey (Cabanet Maker)
Folo. 40 | Mr James Honey (Cabanet Maker) | Dr. |
1781 | ||
Januy 25th | To 5 bushels of lime @ 1/. to Working up 2 Windowes 6/. | £0.11.0 |
To Working in A Windowe frame 3/. & 500 bricks 27/6 | 1.0.6 | |
To Mending A back & laying A harth 6/. & 2 days labr. 6/. | 0.12.0 | |
May 20 | To A Quarter of Veal 25 lbs. @ 4d. | 0.6.8 |
1782 | ||
October 10 | To 6 bushs. of lime 9/. & repairg. plastering 12/. for Lewis Burwell's house. | 1.1.0 |
To hair 1/. & whitewashing 2 Rooms, 2 Closets & a passage @ 7/6. | 1.10.0 | |
1783 | ||
July 26 | To half Quarter of Veal 2/6 | 0.2.6 |
Decemr. 9. | To 2 barrels of Corn (Lent) May 20th this day agreed to allow me 25/. pr. Barrel in T. Jarvises Estate | 2.10.0 |
23 | To a Quarter of veal 5/. | 0.5.0 |
1784 | ||
May 28. | To 2 barrels of Corn @ 25/. & (June 27th) to a Quarter veal 5/. | 2.15.0 |
To 8½ bushs of Lime at 1/. & 1 bushel of whitwash 2/. | 0.10.6 | |
To repairing steps, & plastering 7/6 | 0.7.6 | |
To laying a Harth 2/6. & 180 Bricks 5/3. & labours work 3/6 | 0.11.[illegible] | |
To whitwashing 4 Rooms & 2 passages at 4/6 | 1.7.0 | |
June 7. | To 2 Barrels of Corn at 25/. | 2.10.0 |
August 9. | To Cash paid Mr. Wm. Holt at your request. Ballance of your } Account } | 4.10.1 |
Decr. 10 | To 10 barrels of Corn @ 12/: | 6.0.0 |
Carried to folio 94) | £26.10.0 | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1784 | ||
July 28th | By 283 feet of Plank. & 14 Slabbs. of my Timber & Sawed by Him | |
By Quarter of Veal 6/ | 0.6.0 | |
1785 | ||
January 29 | By: Cash for Corn (& James Hier. | 6.0.0 |
£6.6.0 | ||
£6.6.0 | ||
Carried to Folio 94 & there Settled | £6.6.0 |
Mr. Samuel Beall
Mr. Samuel Beall | Dr. | |
1783 | Brought from folio 22 | |
Septemr. 11th. | To 24 bushs. of wheat @ 6/. | £7.4.0 |
Novemr. 16 | To 4 bushs. of lime @ 1/. & hair 4d. & Repairg Plastering 3/9 | 0.8.1 |
To laboures work 1/6 & ½ busshell of whitwash 1/. | 0.2.6 | |
To whitwashing 2 Rooms @ 4/6 & 2 Clossets 4/6 | 0.13.6 | |
Decemr. 3 | To 40 bushs. of lime @ 1/. & 2 do. of hair @ 2/. & 80 bricks 2/6 | 2.6.6 |
To underpining Smoak house 12/. & 2 days labour 5/. | 0.17.0 | |
To repairing larthing & plasterg. in Kitchen & up Stares to do. 30/. | 1.10.0 | |
To repairing Stove & Oven 5/. & 7 days labour @ 2/6 | 1.2.6 | |
10 | To 1½ Bushels of Corn Lent | |
1784 | ||
June 24. | To 8 bushels of lime 8/. & 3 bushs. of whitwash @ 2/. & 400 bricks 12/. | 1.6.0 |
To repairing larthing & plastering 6/. & hair 6d. | 0.6.6 | |
To do Chimney & plastering Do. 5/. & 25 larths 6d | 0.5.6 | |
To whitwashing 3 Rooms & 3 passages at 4/6 | 1.7.0 | |
To do. 1 Room 4/6 & laying Dary floor & @ 24/. | 1.8.6 | |
To 6 Days work about ye Dary @ 5/. & 4 days labour at 2/6 | 2.0.0 | |
July 30th | To 10 bushs of lime 10/. & plastering Chimney 2/6. | 0.12.6 |
To whitwashing 1 Room 6/. & pinting 3 Chimnies 6/. | 0.12.0 | |
To labours work 2/6. & larthing & plasterg. 2 porchs 12/. | 0.14.6 | |
Sepr. 24th | To 40 bushs. of lime @ 1/. | 2.0.0 |
To 1200 bricks @ 30/. Pr. | 2.00.6 | |
26 | To 2000 do. @ 30/. & 2 days labr. 5/. | 3.5.0 |
29 | To 40 bushs of lime @ 1/. | 2.0.0 |
To 3000 Bricks @ 30/. & 7 days labour @ 2/6 | 5.7.6 | |
To 1 days work. pinting underping. to House | 0.6.0 | |
To 40 Bushs. of lime @ 1/ & 1500 bricks @ 30/. pr. | 4.5.0 | |
To 3 Days labour @ 2/6 & carting 2 Loads of sand @ 2/. | 0.11.6 | |
(Carried to Folio 71) | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1784 | ||
May 29 | and also Setled our Corn & Oats Acct. and there is A ballance of Corn Due Mr. Beall of Thirteen Barrels & Four bushs. which he is to Receive Two Dollars pr. Barrell | |
Finally Settled on Folio 122 by W Harwood Exor | ||
June 9th. 89 | £ |