Mr James Moir
46 | Mr James Moir | Dr. |
1782 | ||
Novemr 14th | To 10 Bushs. of lime @ 1/6. & hair 1/6. & 20 larths 9d. | £0.17.3 |
To 60 Nails. 2/6 & Repairing larthing & plastering 20/. | 1.2.6 | |
1783 | ||
March 5th | To labours Work 6/. (for up Stares) | 0.6.0 |
To 14 bushels of Lime @ 1/6. | 1.1.0 | |
To 1 bushel of Whitewash 3/. & 70 Bricks @ 5/. | 0.6.6 | |
To building up the Brest of Chimney 15/. | 0.15.0 | |
To Whitewashing 2 Rooms, 1 passage & 2 Closets @ 5/6 | 1.7.6 | |
To 1½ Days Labour @ 3/. & hair 1/. & mending plasterg. 5/. | 0.10.6 | |
To mending underpining to Smoke House 2/6 | 0.2.6 | |
29 | To 2 bushs. of Lime 3/. & ½ Day labour 1/6 | 0.4.6 |
To Building well Hole in Smoke House 3/. & Repairg. Well 1/6 | 0.4.6 | |
June 8 | To a Quarter of Veal 6/. | 0.6.0 |
July 26 | To half Quarter of Veal 2/6. (30th) To A hind Qr. Veal 6/. | 0.8.6 |
1782 | ||
Decemr. 31 | To 15 bushels of lime @ 1/6 | 1.2.6 |
To Repairing Larthing & Plastering Down Stairs and } Larthing & plastering 2 Closets & 8 Days labour 65/. } | 3.5.0 | |
To ½ bushl. of hair 1/3 & 3 Days labour @ 4/. | 0.13.3 | |
1784 | ||
April 9th | To 6 bushs. of Lime 6/. & Repairing plastering 5/. & 1½ days labr at 2/6 | 0.14.9 |
To setting up a Grate (7/6) & whitewashing 1 Room & a passage at 4/6 | 0.16.6 | |
To ½ Bushell Whitewash 1/. ( | 0.1.0 | |
(Carried to Folio 64.) | 14.5.3 | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1783 | ||
Septemr. 2nd | By Cash for Veal 8/6 | £0.8.6 |
Caried to Folio (88) | £0.8.6 |
Dudley Digges Esqr.
Dudley Digges Esqr. | Dr. | |
1777 | ||
October 8th | To 1 bushel of Lime 1/. Mending a back 2/6. & labrs. work 9d | £0.4.3 |
18 | To white washing poarch & passage 7/6 | 0.7.6 |
To Mending kitching floor, & Do. wall 5/. | 0.5.0 | |
1782 | ||
Decembr. 7th. | To 2 Grates & barrs Weight 55 lb at 1/3, & 10 bushels of Lime @ 1/6. | 4.3.9 |
To 3 Days labour @ 4/. & seting up 3 Grates @ 11/3 | 2.5.9 | |
To mending plastering 3/9 & 40 bricks @ 2/. | 0.5.9 | |
1783 | ||
May 8 | To Whitewashing 1 Room & the Passage up & down Stares 5/. | 0.15.0 |
To ½ bushel of Whitewash 1/. | 0.1.0 | |
20th | To whitewashing 2 Ceilings 6/. | 0.6.0 |
To Do. 1 Room 5/. & a Closset 2/6 & 40 larthes 9d | 0.8.3 | |
To 6 bushs. of Lime @ 1/. & mending plasterg. in wash } House 12/6. & hair 9d } | 0.19.3 | |
To whitewashing 2 Porches 2/6 & 3 Days labour @ 3/. | 0.14.0 | |
To 1 Bushel of Whitewash 2/. | 0.2.0 | |
August 21st | To Repairing Steps & Mortar 1/6. | 0.1.6 |
1784 | ||
March 1st | To a pair of Shoes (for Davey) 6/. | 0.6.0 |
19 | To 1 barrel of Corn 25/. | 1.5.0 |
30 | To 1 barrel of Corn 22/6. (April 7th) to 1 Barrel do. @ 22/6 | 2.5.0 |
1785 | ||
April 23 | To half a barrel of Corn 7/6 | 0.7.6 |
May 14 | To Cash paid Thomas Gale on your Order | 7.7.6 |
Sepr. 20 | To 2 bushels of 2/. & repairing plastering 4/6 & hair /6d | 0.7.0 |
To whitewashing 2 Rooms & 2 passages @ 4/6 | 0.18.0 | |
To ½ bushel of whitewash 1/. | 0.1.0 | |
Carried to folio 86) | 26.4.6 | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1784 | ||
January 1st | By One Years hier of Davey £12.0.0 | £12.0.0 |
1785 | ||
January 1 | By One year of ditto £10.0.0 | 10.0.0 |
£22.0.0 |
Mrs Christiany Cambell
47 | Mrs Christiany Cambell | Dr. |
1782 | ||
Octobr. 8th | To 9 bushels of lime @ 1/6 & repairing plasterg, 24/. | £1.17.6 |
To 3 Days labour @ 4/. & hair 2/. | 0.14.0 | |
17. | To 2½ bushs. of whitewash @ 3/. | 0.7.6 |
To whitewashing 8 Rooms & 3 passages @ 7/6 | 4.2.6 | |
1783 | ||
July 15 | To 2 bushs. of lime @ 1/. | 0.1.0 |
To Repairing plastering & a grate 3/. & 1 bushl. Whitewash 2/. | 0.5.0 | |
To whitewashg. 4 Rooms, the Barr & 2 porches @ 4/6 | 1.8.0 | |
£8.6.6 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1783 | By loads of manure | |
N.B. Mrs. Campbell disputed this acct. say g. she had } by consent of my Testr. discharged it by a quantity } of manure. } |
Mr. Thomas Cowles
Mr. Thomas Cowles | Dr. | |
1782 | ||
Novemr, 2nd | To 12 bushs. of Lime @ 1/6. | £0.18.0 |
To 6 Days labour Repairing Plastering & } laying a harth & mending Chimney & Cellar wall } @ 10/. } | 3.0.0 | |
£3.18.0 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1784 | ||
June 8th | By Cash Received in part. (by your man Abraham) | £2.19.9 |
1786 | ||
March 5 | By Cash to Ballance | 0.18.3 |
£3.18.0 |
Mrs. Mary Singleton
Mrs. Mary Singleton | Dr. | |
1784 | ||
August 20th | *To whitwashing 3 Rooms @ 4/6. & whitwash 1/. | £0.14.6 |
June 21 | *To a fore Quarter of Veal 5/. | 0.5.0 |
To ½ Barrel of Corn (lent). | ||
1785 | To Cash lent you to pay for Pork | 7.10.0 |
Novr 26 | To 2½ bushels of Corn 7/6 | 0.7.6 |
Decemr. 11 | To half a Barrel of do. 7/6 (29th) half barrel do. 7/6 | 0.15.0 |
1786 | ||
Februy. 18 | To ½ barrel of Corn 7/6 (25th) to ½ do of do 7/6 | 0.15.0 |
Septemr. 14 | To 4½ bushels of Corn @ 5/. (from Majr. Quarles) | 1.2.6 |
1788 | ||
decr. 12 | To 2½ do. of do. lent } | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1785 | ||
April 18 | By cash of Mrs Whitaker | £4.16.0 |
1789 | ||
January 28 |
The Corporation of Wmsburg
47 | The Corporation of Wmsburg | Dr. |
1782 | ||
Novemr 14th | To 14 bushs. of lime @ 2/6, & hair 2/6, & 50 larthes 1/. | £1.4.6 |
To 100 Nails 2/6, & 2½ days labour @ 4/. | 0.12.6 | |
To Repairing larthing & plastering 2 Room 36/. at Prison | 1.16.0 | |
To laying harth 5/. | 0.0.5 | |
£3.18.0 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1783 | ||
April 20th | By Cash Receiv'd of Mr. John Carter. Cambirln. | £3.18.0 |
£3.18.0 |
Mr. John Dreuitdz
Mr. John Dreuitdz | Dr. | |
1783 | Dr. Bought over | £26.19.9 |
April 1st | To 300 bundles of fother @ 4/. | 0.12.0 |
June 19. | To whitewashing the passage & Spots up Stairs 6/. & Whitwash 1/. | 0.7.0 |
July 11. | To mortar 1/. & Mending larthing & Plastering 3/6 | 0.4.6 |
To 1 bushell of Corn 3/. | 0.3.0 | |
1784 | ||
Februy. 14 | To Cash to Ballance. | 6.8.6 |
£34.14.9 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1784 | ||
February 14 | By Your Store Account | £34.14.9 |
£34.14.9 |
Mr John Dreuitdz | Dr. | |
1784 | ||
Sepr. 17th | To 8 bushs. of lime @ 1/. | £0.8.0 |
To 200 bricks @ 3/. & 1½ days labour @ 2/6. | 0.9.9 | |
To repairing the Well 7/6; & drane to do. 1/6 | 0.9.0 | |
To repairing sink in Kitchen 2/6 | 0.2.6 | |
1785 | ||
Februay. 15. | To whitewashing a Room 4/6. | 0.4.6 |
To 25 Bricks ./9d. mortar ./9d & working up window seats. 1/6 | 0.3.0 | |
April 21 | To 385 lb. of Oats @ 6/. | 1.3.0 |
May 13. | To white wash 1/. & whitwashing a Room 4/6 | 0.5.6 |
31st | To 1 bushel of lime 1/. & repairing plastering 2/. | 0.3.0 |
To whitwashing 2 Rooms & a passage 13/6. | 0.13.6 | |
To ¾ bushel of Whitwash 1/6. | 0.1.6 | |
June 13. | To 2334 bricks @ 30/. | 3.10.0 |
To 36 bushels of lime 36/. & carting 3 loads of sand @ 2/6. | 2.3.6 | |
16 | To 1320 bricks @ 3/. & 20 bushels of lime @ 1/. | 2.19.0 |
18 | To underpining store 60/. & building Steps to outhouse 17/6. | 3.17.6 |
To repairing underpining to outhouse 7/6. | 0.7.6 | |
To repairing front steps 12/. & building pillar to porch 1/6. | 0.13.6 | |
To 8 days labour @ 2/6. | 1.0.0 | |
July 22 | To 4 bushs. of lime 4/. & hair 6d, & mendg. plastering in passage 3/. | 0.7.6 |
To Whitewashing passage 6/., 90 Larths 1/4 & labours work 1/3. | 0.8.7 | |
To larthing & plastering poarch 3/6, & ½ bus. Whe.wash 1/. | 0.4.6 | |
28 | To 4 bushels of lime 4/, hair 6d, Repairg. plasterg. in Store Room 10/ | 0.14.6 |
To takeing down a Grate & laying harth 5/. Labours work 2/6 | 0.7.6 | |
To 50 bricks 1/6. (August 30th) 20 bushs. lime @ 1/. & 3½ days lar. @ 2/6 | 1.11.3 | |
August 30 | To 1668 Bricks, @ 3/. & under pining Stoor Shead 36/. | 4.6.0 |
Novr. 7 | To 8 bushels of lime 8/. & larthing & Plasterg. back Room } to Store 6/. & 2 days labr. 5/. & hair 7½d & Seting up a Stove &c 16/11 } | 1.16.6½ |
28.10.7½ | ||
To the factory Acct. (in folio 81) Charged Hunt, & Dreuidz | 33.17.3 | |
£62.7.10½ | ||
1786 | Dr. Brought Over from Debit Side | £62.7.10½ |
July 5 | To your Order for Mrs. Goodson's Estate to Mr Reid Acceptd. | 14.4.0 |
6 | To Cash to Ball this day as pr. Receipt. | 14.11.11¾ |
(Carried to folio 84) | £91.3.10 1/4 | |
Decemr. 22 | £0.15.0 | |
1787 | ||
January 27. | 0.7.6 | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1784 | ||
Septemr. 17th | By 28 Yards of Oznabrigs @ 1/1 Pr. Yard | £1.10.4 |
October 21 | By a Side of upper Leather 9/. & a hide of Sole do. @ 18/. | 1.7.0 |
1786 | ||
January 5 | By His Store Account to this day £80.7.10 | 80.7.10 |
£83.5.2 |
48 | Mrs Sarah Hallam dancing mistress | Dr. |
1782 | ||
Novemr 14th | To 2 Bushs. of lime 3/. & 30 bricks 1/3. & laying Harth 5/. | £0.9.3 |
To Repairing well hole in Smoke House 2/. & labr. 3/. | 0.5.0 | |
1785 | ||
May 27. | To ½ bushel of whitewash 1/. & whitwashing 2 rooms & } a passage @ 4/6. } | 0.14.6 |
July 9 | To Cash 48/. (26th Novemr.) & Cash 30/. | 4.18.0 |
Decr. 20 | To your order to Mr. John Carter on me for £4.7.0. | 4.7.0 |
1786 | ||
February 21. | To 200 lb. of oats @ 7/6 | 0.15.0 |
March 9 | To 218 lb. of Oats @ 7/6 | 0.15.0 |
June 20 | To ¾ of a Bushel of White-wash 1/6 | 0.1.6 |
To white-washing 2 Rooms, a passage & Closset @ 4/6 | 0.13.6 | |
1787 | ||
April 20 | To 1 Barrel of Corn 18/. | 0.18.0 |
To Cash to Ballance 4/. | 0.4.0 | |
£14.0.9 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1786 | ||
January 14th | By 6 Months dancing of Billy, & 6 do. of Humprey at 100/. pr. Year Entrance for A year 40/. | £7.0.0 |
1787 | ||
April 24 | By your account to this day | 7.0.9 |
£14.0.9 |
Mrs Elizabeth Handsford
Mrs Elizabeth Handsford | Dr. | |
1783 | ||
April 15th | £ | |
1784 | ||
March 19 | To a Certificate paid for taxes | 9.4.10½ |
£9.4.10½ | ||
Per Contra | Cr. |
Mr Hubard Watkins
Mr Hubard Watkins | Dr. | |
1784 | ||
July 16th | To Cash paid you 18/. & 1 bushel of Corn 4/6 | £1.2.6 |
August 1st. | To 1 bushel of Corn 4/6 & 1 do of Meal 4/6. | 0.9.0 |
To 24 lb of Bacon at 9d. | 0.18.0 | |
14 | To 1 Bushell of Corn 4/6 (22nd) to Cash paid you 28/. | 1.12.6 |
Sepr. 3 | To 1 Bushell of Corn 4/6 (17th) 1 bushel of Meal 4/6. | 0.9.0 |
21 | To Cash 40/. (Octor. 2nd) to 1 bushl. of meal 4/6. | 2.4.6 |
Octor. 9 | To 10 lb. of beef @ 4d. (19th) to 1 bushl. of Corn 4/6 & Cash 12/6 | 1.0.4 |
23 | To 1 bushel of Corn 4/. (25th) to Cash paid by Billy 30/. | 1.14.0 |
Nor. 5 | To 1 Bushl. of Meal 4/. | 0.4.0 |
12 | To 1 Pair of Blankets 20/. | 1.0.0 |
To Sundaries bought at Mr. J. Hornsby's Store} for Coat & Breaches £2.0.3. & Buttons from } Mr. Sa: Bealls £ } | 2.0.3 | |
24 | To Cash 48/. (Decemr. 6th) to | 2.15.6 |
Decr. 12. | To Cash 42/. | 2.2.0 |
(carried to folio 72) | £17.11.9 | |
Per Contra | Cr. |
Mrs Susanna Riddell
49 | Mrs Susanna Riddell | Dr. |
1783 | ||
February 22nd | To 1250. bricks @ 4/. & laying Pathes to kitching & Garden & yard } Gates [illegible] & laying Drane 45/. } | £4.15.0 |
To building Well hole in Smoke House 5/. | 0.5.0 | |
Apil 15th | To 600 Bricks @ 3/. & 8 Bushels of lime @ 1/. | 1.6.0 |
To underpining Stable 17/6, & Laying Kitching harth 3/9 | 1.2.3 | |
To Repairing Celler wall, & Steps 7/6, & 3 days labour @ 3/. | 0.16.6 | |
May 3 | To 1 bushel of mortar 1/3 & Repairing Plastering up Stares 3/. | 0.4.3 |
To whitewashing 2 Rooms, & a passage @ 5/6. | 0.15.6 | |
14th. | To 20 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 120 bricks 3/6. | 1.3.6 |
To 3½ bushels of whitewash @ 2/. & 6 Days labr. @ 3/. | 1.5.0 | |
To whitewashing 4 Rooms, & a Passage @ 5/6. | 1.7.6 | |
To Do. 2 Rooms Papered on the Sides @ 2/6. | 0.5.0 | |
To contracting Chimney & laying the harth 12/. | 0.12.0 | |
To Repairing Plastering in Kitching & Landery 12/. | 0.12.0 | |
To 2 Days labour @ 3/., & hair 2/. | 0.8.0 | |
To lathing & plastering in Closet 5/. & labours work 1/6. & 230 larths | 0.5.0 | |
To ½ Bushel of whitewash 1/. (pr. Cromwell) | 0.1.0 | |
May 23rd | To Cash pd. Capt. Davis for Frate. & Dutyes on Goods | 3.0.0 |
Novemr. 1. | To 22 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 300 larthes @ 1/6 & hair 9d. £18.18.3 | 1.7.3 |
To 108 bricks ¾. layg. a harth 2/6 & turning Arch & Repairg. Chimney 3/6. | 0.9.4 | |
To repairing larthing & plasterg. (in Shop) & do. in Cellar 18/. | 0.18.0 | |
To 4 Days labour @ 3/. | 0.12.0 | |
1784 | ||
April 4th | To 3 bushs. of lime 3/. & Repairing Steps 3/9 | 0.6.9 |
april 24th A ballance Due this Day of 38/7 | 21.16.10 | |
1784 | ||
July 13. | To 2 bushs. of whitwash 4/. & 2½ bushs. of lime 2/6. | 0.6.6 |
To hair 6d. to plastering fire place, & do in House, Landary, & } Kitchen 6/. } | 0.6.6 | |
To Whitwashing 6 Rooms @ 4/6, & 2 passages @ 5/6 | 1.18.0 | |
To do. [illegible] Landary 4/6. & labours work 3/. | 0.7.6 | |
Septr. 18 | To 420 lb of Oats in Straw @ 6/. pr. | 1.5.2 |
4.3.8 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1783 | ||
June | By Cash. Six Gunies @ 28/. | £8.8.0 |
1784 | ||
April 24 | By Cash | 12.0.3 |
July 10 | By Cash to Ballance | 1.8.7 |
1784 | ||
Septemr. 21st | By Cash in full | 4.3.8 |
£4.3.8 |
Mrs Susanna Riddell | Dr. | |
1785 | ||
Octor 18th | To 1½ bushels of lime 1/6 & pointing 2 Chimnies 5/. | £0.6.6 |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1786 | ||
January 30 | By Cash of Robt. Andrews @ 6/. | 0.6.6 |
Mr William Rowsey
50 | Mr William Rowsey | Dr. |
1783 | ||
To Half A Barrel of Corn Lent. Decemr. 18th. 1782. | ||
Januy. 8 | To 1 bushs. of Lime 1/6 (at the Shop) | £0.1.6 |
To Repairing Chimney 5/. | 0.5.0 | |
March 18. | To 12 bushels of lime @ 1/6 & 1 Days labour 3/6 | 1.1.6 |
29 | To 18 bushels of Lime @ 1/6 | 1.7.0 |
To 760 Bricks @ 4/3. & 5½ Days labour @ 3/. | 2.8.9 | |
To building forge Chimney & layg. harth 40/. | 2.0.0 | |
April 8th | To 12 bushs. of Lime @ 1/3 | 0.15.0 |
To Repairing, Larthing & plastering in Shop 20/. | 1.0.0 | |
To laying a Harth in Shop 3/. & 3 days labour @ 3/. | 0.12.0 | |
To Repairing Plastering in Mrs Houstons House 3/. | 0.3.0 | |
To laying a Harth 4/6 & mending Chimy. Back 2/6 | 0.7.0 | |
To Hair 1/6 | 0.1.6 | |
May 8th. | To ¾ bushl. of Lime @ 2/. & whitewashg. 2 Rooms @ 4/6 & } an Entery & Closset @ 2/6 & 1 Room (in Shop) 4/6. } | 1.0.0 |
(carried to folio 58.) 10.19.3 | £10.19.3 | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1784 | ||
March 22nd | By Maj Taxes on publick Acct. & the County Leavy } and parish do. & Mrs. Goodson's Estate } also John Brown Clark of General Court Tickit for } fees. Harwood vs Lord Dunmore In Chansery 15/. } | 9.11.6 |
By Cash to Balance | 1.7.9 | |
£10.19.3 |
Mr William Holt
Mr William Holt | Dr. | |
1783 | To Acct. Brought from (Folio 1) | 21.6.3 |
Februy. 9th | To 80 bricks 4/6 & laying a Bake Oven Floor (yr Tenant) | 0.12.0 |
To ¾ Days work 3/. (by your Order) | 0.3.0 | |
To a bushel of Mortar 1/6 | 0.1.6 | |
March 14th | To 8 bushs. of Lime @ 1/6 (for French Tenant) | 0.12.0 |
To 2 Days labour 6/. & hair 9d. | 0.6.9 | |
To plastering Back Oven 5/. & laying hearth & mendg. } back in the House 6/. } | 0.11.0 | |
To 170 bricks 7/. & Repairing underpining to House 10/. | 0.17.0 | |
May 31th. | To 8 bushs. of lime 8/. & 80 bricks 2/6 (for French Baker) (Next Court House) | 0.10.6 |
To laying half the Oven harth 4/. & 1 Do. Chimney 2/6. | 0.6.6 | |
To plastering Oven 3/9 & Repairing plastering in house 3/9. | 0.7.6 | |
To 2 Days work @ 6/. | 0.12.0 | |
1784 | ||
May 19th | To 8 bushs. of lime 8/. Repairing Plastering 10/. & hair 7 1/2d | 0.18.7½ |
To 2 days labr. @ 2/6, & 1½ bushs. of Whitewash @ 2/. | 0.8.0 | |
To Whitewashing 5 Cealings @ 2/6, & 6. do. @ 4/6, & 2 passages @ 4/6 | 2.8.6 | |
July 26 | To 20 bushs. of lime @ 1/. & 5 days labr. @ 1/6, & hair 1/ | 1.8.6 |
To Rebuilding Oven & Repairg. chimney 36/. | 1.16.0 | |
August 4 | To 62 bushs. of lime @ 1/. & 15 days labour 1/6 | 4.4.6 |
To diging foundation, & Building Celler wall 72/ | 3.12.0 | |
To Building Celler Steps 18/. & Repairg. Kitchg. chimney. & oven 5/. | 1.3.0 | |
To Repairing dary, Ash House. & under pining to Smoke House 6/. | 0.6.0 | |
(Carried to Folio 75) | £42.5.1½ | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1783 | ||
January 1st | By Cr. to Amount from (Folio 1) | £22.12.10 |
1784 | ||
August 9 | By his Account Against Mr. James Honey. | 4.10.1 |
By His Acct. for Flower. & hoes Not Setled to Amoat, | 4.8.4 | |
By Cash to Ballance (this day) | 10.13.10½ | |
£42.5.1½ |