Mr. George Braxton
Folio 86 | Mr. George Braxton | Dr. |
1785 | ||
Novemr. 11th | To 29 bushels of lime @ 1/. | £1.9.0 |
To repairing plastering 45/. & Hair 2/. | 2.7.0 | |
To 104 bricks 3/. & laying 3 Harths 8/6. | 0.11.6 | |
To working Jambs to Chimney & back 5/. | 0.5.0 | |
To 7 days labour @ 2/6. | 0.17.6 | |
26 | To 4 bushels of white-wash @ 2/. & whitewashing 5 Rooms } & 2 passages @ 4/6. the Rooms Whe.washed over ten times } | 1.19.6 |
1786 | ||
January 18th | To 60 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 4 days labour @ 2/6. (Making Mortar) | 3.10.0 |
February 3 | To 8134 Bricks @ 30/. pr. | 17.6.6 |
To 100 lb. Oats in Straw 7/6 (pr. Tom) | 0.7.6 | |
To underpining Kitching 40/. to Iron barrs for Oven Mouth 7/6 | 2.7.6 | |
8 | To 3250 bricks @ 30/. & 38 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 9 days labr. @ 2/6 | 7.18.0 |
To building a Stack of Chimneys & Oven | 7.10.0 | |
11 | To 1100 bricks 33/, 20 bushs of lime 20/. 5 days labour @ 2/6 | 3.5.6 |
To underpining Smoke House & Sheads 27/6 | 1.7.6 | |
To underpining Dary 15/ & 1½ bus. Whe.wash 3/, & white-washg. 1 Room 4/6 & spots over House 3/ } | 1.5.6 | |
24th | To 15 bushels of lime @ 1/. & building front Steps 12/. | 1.7.0 |
To 1¾ day's labour @ 2/6 £53.18.10½ | 0.4.4½ | |
£53.18.14½ | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1786 | ||
August 16 | By 115 lbs. of Bacon of Colo. Saml, Griffin on your Acct. @ 7½d | £3.11.10½ |
By 8. Setige @25 & 2 do. Elbow 32/6, mehogany by an } bought them of Colo. Sam. Griffin at the Above price, but } he says it was a mistake. G. Braxton may have them if he'll pay me the money.} | 13.5.0 | |
1787 | ||
January 5 | By an Old Waggon, &c. | 8.0.0 |
£24.16.10½ |
Colo. Dudley Digges
Colo. Dudley Digges | Dr. | |
1785 | Dr. Brought from folio 46 | £26.4.6 |
Novr. 25th | To 7 Bushels of Corn @ 3/ | 1.1.0 |
Decemr. 11 | To 1 Barrel of do. 15/ | 0.15.0 |
1786 | ||
Januy. 26 | To ½ Barrel of Corn [illegible]/6, (Febr:y 11th) To 1 Barrel of do. 15/ | 1.10.0 |
August 22 | To 2 bushels of Corn [illegible] @ 5/, (September 1st) To 2 bus. of do. 10/. | 1.0.0 |
Septemr. 8 | To 2 do. 10/. (16th) To [illegible] 10/. (26th) to 2 do. 10/. | 1.10.0 |
Octor. 5 | To 2 do of do 10/. | 0.10.0 |
1787 | ||
January 2 | To 2 Barrels of C[illegible] 30/. | 1.10.0 |
E. Excepted by £34.0.6 W. H., Exor. | £34.0.6 | |
To balance due H. H.'s Estate as pr. contra | £2.0.6 | |
(vide posted fol. 89) | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1785 | ||
Novr. 25th | Amt. of Credits Brought forward | £22.0.0 |
1786 | ||
Jany. 1 | By 1 Years Hire of Davy £10. | 10.0.0 |
£32.0.0 | ||
By balance due H. H.'s Estate | £2.0.6 | |
£34.0.6 |
Mr. James Davis (Taylor)
Folio 87 | Mr. James Davis (Taylor) | Dr. |
1785 | ||
Septemr. 19th | To 3 bushels of lime 3/. Repairing 2 Chimneys 7/6 | £0.10.6 |
To Labours work 2/6. | 0.2.6 | |
Novemr . 11 | To 8 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 100 bricks 3/. & laying a harth 2/6 | 0.13.6 |
To Contracting a Chimney 5/. & Repairing plastering 3/6. | 0.8.6 | |
To pinting Chimneys & Clossets 2/6, & labrs. work 3/9 | 0.6.3 | |
Decemr. 22 | To Wht. Washing 1 Room & 2 passages @ 4/6. & wht.wash 1/6 | 0.15.0 |
1786 | ||
January 23 | To 7 bushels of lime 7/. | 0.7.0 |
To repairing larthing & plastering to Door & Chimney } & Dairy 10/. hair 1/. & labourers work 3/6 } | 0.14.9 | |
26 | To whitewashing a Room 5/. | 0.5.0 |
April 13 | To 10 bushels of Mortar @ 1/. & 220 larthes @ 1/6 pr. C. | 0.13.3½ |
To Larthing & plastering in Shop 12/6 | 0.12.6 | |
To labourers work 3/9 | 0.3.0 | |
22 | To 300 larthes @ 1/6 & 12 bushels of lime 12/. | 0.16.6 |
To hair 2/. & larthing & plastering lodging Room 18/. | 1.0.0 | |
To 1½ days labour @ 2/6 | 0.3.9 | |
To Whit-washing Shop 4/6 | 0.4.6 | |
May 3 | To ¾ of a Bushel of White-wash 1/6 | 0.1.6 |
To white-washing 2 Rooms @ 4/6 | 0.9.0 | |
August 7 | To 6 bushels of lime 6/. 200 bricks 6/. & Repairg. Cellar Steps 7/6 | 0.19.6 |
To Repairg. plastering 2/. & labours work 2/6 | 0.4.6 | |
1787 | ||
July 21 | To 1½ bushels of lime @ 1/. & repairing plastering & } Grate 3/. & labours work 9d | 0.5.3 |
E. Excepted by ½ (See Ledger C. fol. 22 W. H., Exor. | £9.16.3½ | |
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1786 | ||
August 8th | By 1 bus. mortar 1/. | £0.1.0 |
By two first Charges in deb: side. paid | 0.13.0 | |
1791 | ||
July 29th | By his acct. agst. H. H.'s Estate £7.15.5 | £7.15.5 |
By Cash to balance | 1.6.10½ | |
See Ledger C. folio 22 | ||
£9.16.3½ |
Mr. Richard Booker
Mr. Richard Booker | Dr. | |
1787 | ||
April 22nd | To 125 Lathes 1/6 & 9 bushels of lime 9/. | £0.10.6 |
To 1 days labour 2/6 & lathing & plastering } at Mrs. Brian's & mending do 10/. } | 0.10.0 | |
August 5 | To 1 barrel of Corn 20/. | 1.0.0 |
1788 | ||
August 25 | To 22 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 796 bricks @ 30/. pr. | 2.5.10½ |
To 3½ days labr. @ 2/6 | 0.8.9 | |
To layg. an Hearth & do Oven & buildg. a Crown to ye. same 18/. | 0.18.0 | |
To building a Fire place to bake-House 12/. & to Hair 6d | 0.12.6 | |
E. Excepted by £6.8.1½ W. H., Exor. | ||
1789 | ||
March 25 | To an order on ye. College | £6.8.1½ |
6.2.4½ | ||
£12.10.5 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1787 | ||
August 5th | By 52¾ lb. of a Bacon @ 9d | £2.0.5 |
1789 | ||
March 25 | By his acct. | 10.7.6 |
6.8.1½ 2.0.5 4.7.6½ | ||
--- see the Reason of the differences between this } settlement & that on A's acct. noted on the acct. itself. } | ||
By a mistake in settlement | £12.7.11 | |
0.2.6½ | ||
£12.10.5½ |
Mr. James Moir
Folio 88 | Mr. James Moir | Dr. |
1786 | Dr. Brought from Folo. 64) | £39.1.1 |
January 14th | To 12 bushels of lime Repairing Kitching wall. & Oven 28/ | 2.8.0 |
To 3 days labour @ 2/6 | 0.7.6 | |
February 15 | To 4 bushels of lime 4/. 100 bricks 3/ & Seting up A Grate 7/6 | 0.14.0 |
To 1 Days labour 2/6; (16th) to 20 bushels of Oats @ 2/6 | 2.12.6 | |
June 7 | To 4½ bushels of lime @ 1/. & hair 6d | 0.5.0 |
To repairing Lathing & plastering 10/. | 0.10.0 | |
14 | To ¾ of a Bushel of | 0.1.6 |
To white-washing 4 Rooms & a passage @ 4/6 | 1.2.6 | |
Octor. 20 | To Cash lent 41/4 | 2.1.4 |
To 13/3. Not Charged in Ledger in Decr. 82 | £49.3.5 | |
0.13.3 | ||
£49.16.8 | ||
1787 | ||
May 19th | To 3½ bushels of lime 3/6 & 100 Laths 1/3 | 0.4.9 |
To ½ day's labour 1/3 & lathing & plastering a Dormant } Window 4/6. & Hair 3d. } | 0.6.0 | |
June 6 | To 2½ bushels of lime 2/6 & 166 Bricks 4/10. | 0.7.4 |
To labours Work 1/6 & building pair of Steps 5/. | 0.6.6 | |
15 | To 2½ bushels of Wheat @ 6/. | 0.15.0 |
1788 | ||
Februy. 4 | To 3 barrels of Corn @ 15/. | 2.5.0 |
16 | To 2½ bus. of lime 2/6 hair 4d. & Repairing plastering 2/6 | 0.5.4 |
March 20 | To 2 bushels of Oats 6/. | 0.6.0 |
April 12 | To 1½ do. lime 1/6. hair 4d. & Repairing plastering 2/6. & Wht.washg. 1 Room & passage & Wht.wash | 0.14.4 |
August 5 | To 1 bushel of Wheat 5/. | 0.5.0 |
7 | To 8 bushels of lime 8/. & 500 bricks 15/. | 1.[illegible].0 |
To 2 days labour @ 2/6 & building up Jambs to Chimney & repairing } the breast of do. 10/. | 0.15.0 | |
To laying an Hearth 3/. & pointing up Stairs 2/. | 0.5.0 | |
12 | To 2½ bushels of Wheat @ 5/. | 0.12.6 |
Octor. 7 | To 2½ do of Corn 7/6 | 0.7.6 |
13 | To 12 bricks 3 & ½ bushel of mortar 6d. | 0.0.9 |
To mending Back 1/. & whitewashing Ceiling 2/6 | 0.3.6 | |
28 | To 8 lb. of Beef @ 2½d £ | 0.1.8 |
Decr. 10 | To 4 bottles of Claret @ 2/6 pr. Bottle | 0.10.0 |
To 4 barrels of Corn @ 10/. £58.19.11 | 2.0.0 | |
1789 | ||
Januy. 14 | To 2 bushels of lime 2/. & 106 Bricks 2/. & setting up a Grate 5/. | 0.10.0 |
61.19.11 | ||
To an order accepted on ye. College | 10.18.5 | |
£72.18.4 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1786 | ||
By Cash received 28/ | £1.8.0 | |
By Do. for Veal 8/6. | 0.8.6 | |
By Old Bricks in the Play House | 6.0.0 | |
1787 | ||
January 26th | By His account to this Day | 44.10.5 |
52.6.11 | ||
Contra | Cr. | |
1789 | ||
March 24th | By his acct. exclusive of the above Credit | £20.11.5 |
£72.18.4 |
Mr. James Moir
Folio 88 | Mr. James Moir | Dr. |
1786 | Dr. Brought from Folo. 64) | £39.1.1 |
January 14th | To 12 bushels of lime Repairing Kitching wall. & Oven 28/ | 2.8.0 |
To 3 days labour @ 2/6 | 0.7.6 | |
February 15 | To 4 bushels of lime 4/. 100 bricks 3/ & Seting up A Grate 7/6 | 0.14.0 |
To 1 Days labour 2/6; (16th) to 20 bushels of Oats @ 2/6 | 2.12.6 | |
June 7 | To 4½ bushels of lime @ 1/. & hair 6d | 0.5.0 |
To repairing Lathing & plastering 10/. | 0.10.0 | |
14 | To ¾ of a Bushel of | 0.1.6 |
To white-washing 4 Rooms & a passage @ 4/6 | 1.2.6 | |
Octor. 20 | To Cash lent 41/4 | 2.1.4 |
To 13/3. Not Charged in Ledger in Decr. 82 | £49.3.5 | |
0.13.3 | ||
£49.16.8 | ||
1787 | ||
May 19th | To 3½ bushels of lime 3/6 & 100 Laths 1/3 | 0.4.9 |
To ½ day's labour 1/3 & lathing & plastering a Dormant } Window 4/6. & Hair 3d. } | 0.6.0 | |
June 6 | To 2½ bushels of lime 2/6 & 166 Bricks 4/10. | 0.7.4 |
To labours Work 1/6 & building pair of Steps 5/. | 0.6.6 | |
15 | To 2½ bushels of Wheat @ 6/. | 0.15.0 |
1788 | ||
Februy. 4 | To 3 barrels of Corn @ 15/. | 2.5.0 |
16 | To 2½ bus. of lime 2/6 hair 4d. & Repairing plastering 2/6 | 0.5.4 |
March 20 | To 2 bushels of Oats 6/. | 0.6.0 |
April 12 | To 1½ do. lime 1/6. hair 4d. & Repairing plastering 2/6. & Wht.washg. 1 Room & passage & Wht.wash | 0.14.4 |
August 5 | To 1 bushel of Wheat 5/. | 0.5.0 |
7 | To 8 bushels of lime 8/. & 500 bricks 15/. | 1.[illegible].0 |
To 2 days labour @ 2/6 & building up Jambs to Chimney & repairing } the breast of do. 10/. | 0.15.0 | |
To laying an Hearth 3/. & pointing up Stairs 2/. | 0.5.0 | |
12 | To 2½ bushels of Wheat @ 5/. | 0.12.6 |
Octor. 7 | To 2½ do of Corn 7/6 | 0.7.6 |
13 | To 12 bricks 3 & ½ bushel of mortar 6d. | 0.0.9 |
To mending Back 1/. & whitewashing Ceiling 2/6 | 0.3.6 | |
28 | To 8 lb. of Beef @ 2½d £ | 0.1.8 |
Decr. 10 | To 4 bottles of Claret @ 2/6 pr. Bottle | 0.10.0 |
To 4 barrels of Corn @ 10/. £58.19.11 | 2.0.0 | |
1789 | ||
Januy. 14 | To 2 bushels of lime 2/. & 106 Bricks 2/. & setting up a Grate 5/. | 0.10.0 |
61.19.11 | ||
To an order accepted on ye. College | 10.18.5 | |
£72.18.4 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1786 | ||
By Cash received 28/ | £1.8.0 | |
By Do. for Veal 8/6. | 0.8.6 | |
By Old Bricks in the Play House | 6.0.0 | |
1787 | ||
January 26th | By His account to this Day | 44.10.5 |
52.6.11 | ||
Contra | Cr. | |
1789 | ||
March 24th | By his acct. exclusive of the above Credit | £20.11.5 |
£72.18.4 |
Messieurs David Low & Anderson
Folio 89 | Messieurs David Low & Anderson | Dr. |
1785 | ||
Augt. 16th | To Cash paid in part of your account | £10.0.0 |
Sepr. 1 | To do do | 10.0.0 |
Novemr. 22 | To cutting down the Jambs of the Chimney & plasterg. | 0.3.9 |
1786 | ||
Februy. 20 | To 1012 lb. of oats in Straw @ 7/6 pr. Cent: | 3.15.0 |
March 15 | To an Order on you from Doctr. Wm.Carter Accepted for | 6.10.6 |
May 2 | To Cash pd. M. A. | 4.15.9 |
June 9 | To Cash paid to Matthew Anderson | 4.15.9 |
20 | To ditto pd. David Low. & Anderson | 19.5.4 |
1787 | ||
May 23 | To 1½ Barrel of Corn @ 18/. | 1.7.0 |
Septemr. 15 | To Cash £7.0..0 | 7.0.0 |
1788 | ||
June 14 | To an Order on Charles Hunt. accepted as } per Receipt for £22.12.10½ } | 22.12.10½ |
Octor. | To an Order on Doctr. Wm. Pasteur accepted | 30.0.0 |
1789 | To account of sundries | 8.5.3 |
May 25 | To Cash to balance in full to this day as per acct. | 1.12.4 |
£130.11.4½ | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1786 | ||
June 21st | By His account Delivered in | £71.4.6½ |
April 13 | By Cash borrowed 90/9 | 4.15.9 |
1789 | ||
May 25 | By | 27.8.10 |
By Anderson's private acct. | 27.2.3 | |
(See accts. themselves) | £130.11.4½ |
Colo. Dudley Digges
Colo. Dudley Digges | Dr. | |
1787 | ||
Jan: 2nd | To amount of Debitor brought from folo. 86 | £34.0.6 |
£34.0.6 | ||
To balance due H. H.'s Est. | £2.0.6 | |
To Int. til paid from Jan. 1787 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1786 | ||
Jan: | By amt. of Creditor brought from folo. 86. £32. | £32.0.0 |
By bal: due H. Harwood's Estate | 2.0.6 | |
£34.0.6 |
Mr. Horatio Hall (Hatter)
Folio 90 | Mr. Horatio Hall (Hatter) | Dr. |
1786 | ||
February 14th | To 10 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 250 Bricks @ 3/. & 1½ days' labr. @ 2/6 | £1.0.9 |
To setting up a Hatter's furnace 15/. | 0.15.0 | |
To repairing plastering 5/.; & hair 6d. | 0.5.6 | |
June 17 | To 8 bushels of lime 8/. & 120 Bricks 3/9 | 0.11.9 |
To 1½ days labour 3/9 & white-washing 2 Rooms 9/. | 0.12.9 | |
To ¾ of a bushel of White-wash 1/6 & setting up a Kettle | ||
Per Contra | Cr. |
Doctr. _________ Hall (petersburg)
Doctr. _________ Hall (petersburg) | Dr. | |
1787 | ||
March 19th | To taking down 2 Marble Chimney peices 7/6. | £0.7.6 |
To 134 bricks 4/. & 4 bushels of lime 4/. | 0.8.0 | |
To laying 2 Hearths 6/. & plastering Chimney 5/. | 0.11.0 | |
To Hair 6d & labourers Work 3/. | 0.3.0 | |
£1.10.0 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1788 | ||
July 28 | By cash in full by Mr. John Carter (Skiper) | £1.10.0 |
£1.10.0 |
Majr. James Quarles
Majr. James Quarles | Dr. | |
1786 | ||
April 6th | To 110 lb of Fodther 6/. | £0.6.0 |
12 | To 75 lb. of Fodther @ 6/. | 0.4.0 |
July 8 | To 14 bushels of lime @ 1/. & repairing Steps & plastering 12/. | 1.6.0 |
To labourer's work 3/. & 400 Bricks @ 3/. & repairing Well 6/. | 1.1.0 | |
To ¾ of a Bushel of White-wash 1/6. | 0.1.6 | |
To White-washing 2 Rooms & a passage @ 4/6 | 0.13.6 | |
August 20 | To Cash lent @ Qr. | 0.12.0 |
Novr. 23 | To 6 bushels of lime 6/. & 250 bricks 7/6 & 1 days lar. @ 2/6 | 0.16.0 |
To laying a harth 2/6. & Seting up A Grate 7/6 | 0.10.0 | |
To a Grate & Barr wt. 56 lb. @ 3d & frate 1/ | 1.18.4 | |
1788 | ||
February 16 | To 2½ bushels of lime 2/6. hair 4d. & Repairing plastering 2/6 | 0.5.4 |
To Whitewashing a Room. & Wht.wash 5/. (& 28th) to 150 bundles of fodther 7/6 | 0.12.6 | |
July 3 | To a Sythe Brought for Mical (from Capt. Brights) 6/ | 0.6.0 |
£8.12.2 | ||
Per Contra | Cr. | |
1786 | ||
August 29th | By Cash 28/., the Day of the Barbucue | 1.8.0 |
By 2 Days of Sam. & Tom. @ 2/. & 2 Do. of Tom Cleang. well | 0.8.0 | |
1787 | ||
January 17 | By cash 35/6. (When the Indentr Returned) | 1.15.6 |
26 | By 9 Dollars of indentr. @ 6/. in the pound | 0.16.2 |
1788 | ||
July 2 | By 1 Day of Mical 3/9 | 0.3.9 |
£4.11.3 |