Channell Dartmo Dist: 2 Leauges bearing NW+ July ye 16th: 1702
May it Please Your Excellence/
I humbly beg Leave
to give my harty Affections & duty to you & to
Wish Earnestly Your health & happines which
If I Could Contribute to Either would hassard
all yt is Deare to Your Renowned honour which I am ye—
most Engaged & Obliged to you for all your
favours you have bin Pleased to Afford me.
which I shall for Ever be mindfull & to Accknow-
ledge ye same I hope time will afford me the—
Happiness to kiss Your Excellencies hand—
& to see all your Enimies at your footstoole
most Worthy Sr I shall now give you an accct of our
greate designe ye Duke of Ormond is our Generall
& Commands ye forces which is 10 thousand & ye
Duch 5 thousand Sr George Rooke is Vice admirl
of England & admirall in Cheife of ye fleet who—
now Commands thirty saile of English & ye. Ducth
twenty all first second & third admirall farebon
is gon to prepare our Matters before with 22 men
of War whome wee designd to Joyn but
waite for a Northerly Wind ye Wind being
now Contrary & do belive designed for Portugall
which is belived will declare for ye English
here in some greate designe for greate
preparations for a desent god bless our
greate Undertakeings.
I am in all Dutifull Affections & I am your most Obedient Servt
to Command
J Braine