Portsmouth ye 23th. of October 1682
Ever Honor Sr
Since you are to have the [veu] of the
papers, I have sent to ye Lords &a I hope you will be
pleased to exscuse me for not sending you a Coppy, [torn]
will finde I, am somewhat perticular Conserning the
Province of Mayne. Let me beg of you as you tend
the welfaire of his Majties. Interest & ye Introduce[torn]
and well settling his Govermt in New England to pro-
mote yt business, for unless yt Province be united to
New hampshire
, it will be Impossible for ye Kings Gover-
ment to be supported however it hath bin represented
by Mr. Mason at Whitehall
, the Condicon of ye people
in his Province is very meane and not Likely to Improve
haveing no Fishery nor Tymber Considerable Left to
Carry on Trade, the people are willing to contribue wt
they are able to do towards ye support of His Majties. Gover-
ment, and to pay Mr Mason anything to their ability
but are very Hard slo[e] in turning Tennants to him, he
seemes dissattisfied I have not Justified him in all his
quarrels he had wth ye people when he was here before
and yt I have not proceeded as he would have don[torn]
he bin Governr I finde them more dutifull in th[torn]
behaviour and Exspressions towards his Majty. Gover[torn]
then I did exspect, & ye [Oministees.] pray hearteley for his [torn]
There being a greate want of armes in ye Province, hop[torn]
you will be pleased to move ye Lords &c. to proceed four
hundred & fifty firelock muskets & one hundred Carbyns
& one hundred Case of pistols without which wee cannot be
safe against ye Indiens, who are well Armed by the French
which makes them verry Insolent, The Assembly meets
14th of Novembr, I dout not but to get such Lawes past, as
will be sattisfactory I have put Mr Chamberlaine, into ye Execution of yors and
his own office alsoe Mr Randalph, who is now with us, he
and Mr Mason last night gave in writeing, their sev-
erall Charges against Majr. Waldron & Mr Martyn, I
wish they make out their charge I hear their Witnesses
faile them, when I have examined I shall give a farther
account to His Majty, I have ordered Mr Chamberlayn
to Audite ye Publique account of all monies That has bin
raised since His Majties. Commission ye 18th. of September
1679 wch shall be transmitted wh all other proceedings by
ye next oppertunity I have sent ye seale by ye Capt of ye
Man a warr, I pray exscuse me. yt I had not time to w
write to Mr Povey being in great Hurry. I prsent my
humble Service to them all perticularly and Mr Gwynn
which is all from
Yor most humble and faithfull
Edw Cranfield
Mason & Randolph have given
in their charge agst Martin &
Chamberlaine is to audit accts
of Moneyes rasied since 1679
N: Hampshire
23: Oct: 1682
From Mr Cranfeild
No: 6 Recd ye 7: Janr
Necessity of uniting ye Province
of Main to New hampshire
No Fishing
Little Timber
the People Dutifull
the Lords to be moved for
450 Fire locks:
100 Carbines
100 Case of Pistolls
The Indians armed by ye French
The Assembly meet ye 14 Nov:
Mr Chamberlain & Mr Randolp[h]
are in Execution of
yr offices