Cosin Randolph/.
I have sent you Three Letters since you were last here—
but have had no answer from you my Last was by Mr.
Welsh that come over as a servant to the Governor. but now
turned of. I am Earnestly expecting what answer the
Goverment of Boston will give unto the Letter I sent
them a Moneth since under yor Covert, whither they will
record my Title or not, Severall persons have been
with me from Salem and Ipswich for a Confirmation
of their Lands and grant of some [illegible] Land, to whom I
have made Deeds and doe dayly expect others. Matters
have goe very unpleasing to me. The Governour being wholy
Swayed by my greatest Opponents, and all my Friends slighted
and discountenanced, I cannot comprehend his policy in
this. I am certain his proceedings in my concerns wil be
thought strange of in England. I purpose to return back
so soon as I know what yo Goverment. will doe.) to—
have matters brought into some better posture, the Govr.
complying with these people hath made them more
high then ever, I have a Long story to tell you which
I shall not now write. The Governr. intends to visit Boston
shortly, I offered to accompany him, but I perceive my
stay here behind is more pleasing to him, it is likely his
wellcome to some persons would be the less should I be in
the Company. I shall fortify my self with patience till
I can remedy it/. I would have you mind and execute
the powers of yor Commission in this province, Lest there
be a complaint sent of yor neglect. We have various
Reports here of my Cosin yor wife. some say she is dead
others [say very weal] and cannot recover. I should be
heartily sorry if the first be true. but I hope it is otherwise
[illegible] I beseech God to sanctify all the dispentations of
his providence to you with my hearty respects I Remaine
yor affece. Cosin & servant
Robert Mason
New Hamp./
Portsmouth .
4 Decembr. 1682/.