Boston . Dec: 14th. 1682.
Honr. Sr.
My letters laden onely with ill newes. like Jobs Servts. follow
one upon ye Heeles of another. This day Mr Cranfield is gone for
Pipalaqua. I hav his Company by Snatches onely. in wch. [hee]
told me. That severall of Mr Masons bandittis. in London
lettrs. of Atturney to their Correspondents here hav ordered them
to sue him. So that he having (as I suppose) some notice
of it. hath willingly declined Coming to Boston
. & thereby o-
mitted a great oppertunity by not delivering his letter upon
his first arrivall. by which he had lost this Govt. without
Excuse. but should he come now they will not denye him
a Court, but he must stay till next may when their Genll. Court
sitts. I find Mr Cranfeild hath told these. That altho a pro-
tection given him & his Agents from Arests during their prose-
cuting claimes to Lands etc: doth not hinder & stop the bringing
upon him an action for Debt. So that now tho' he come not
to Boston. they will arest him in his own province. upon those Genll
letters of Atturney & so quite [disenath] him from prosecuting
in either place; for they seem to take the advantage that
in regard his Matie. hath wrote to this Colony. not to arest. etc.
they may in modesty forbeare. but there being no perticuler
command to that purpose to Mr Cranfeild or [illegible] at Pisctg.
but[illegible] I see all [resolved] upon ye Greatest
prejudice aginst him. I feare he will be in Goal before
I can gett theither. (being engaged to seize a Scotchman seized
there by me some tyme since , So that I can foresee nothing but
a suddaine unavoidable & irreparable ruine to my Cousin his family
& fortunes (having with great Expence of tyme & money brought
his busines (as was beleived./ to a good issue.) by those unjust procee-
dings. they putt an absolute stop hereby upon him never to appeare to
do them any prejudice by his Claimes. & is also made uncapable to satisfy
any of those debts they now bring in a body against him depending soly upon his [Rents]. I heartily
wish I may be mistaken but feare I speak upon too sure grounds
& also. that no man durst appeare against my Cousin Mason
if Mr Cranfeild had kept himselfe to himselfe. this is too apparent
against my Cousin & looks like a Genll. designe of this Colony
& Waldron & his [party] in the Province of N: Hampshire. I [expect]
my [illegible] next either by false informations at Courts or by in-
viting some to trouble me here. Sr. no ships from home after
this will come from here for Engd. till march or April next. So—
that my Cousin may starve except some directions by way of
Barbados come hither in his E[illegible]. this is absolute Barbarism
& could be expected no where but here amongst his Enemyes the
worst of men. & is propagated by ye Phannaticks in & about
London. because my Cousin hath been two free in discourse as—
well in action against this great Branch of the Gang: who
will now tryumph in this their master peece. & beleive them selves
sourrender a [New Setled] Govr. & Govt. by the King established.
by this they are Combining to putt a sham upon the whole frameframe
& settlement of that Province ordered & Concluded ord by so long and
so deliberate advise of the Lords of his Matis. Councill.
Would my Cousin take my advise. t'were better for him to make it
all over to his Matie. upon some reservations. & leave them to try it
out with the King, but me thinks this the Extreamity of their Envy
& Barbarity should quicken the Quo: warrt. which once brought. both
the Govr. & Lands claimed in this Colony by
Mr Mason will fall at his
Maties Feet./ Recommending all our Concerns to your favour. I am
your most humble servt.
Ed Randolph
To the Honble
William Blathwayt Esqr.
with a small Box
for his Maties. service
Directed to him at ye
Plantacon Office in Whitehall
by Capt. Cary Commander of ye
ship Mary & Elizabeth of Charles Town
Q: D C./
14: Dec: 1682/3
From Mr Randolph.
No: 7 Red / 20 febr
[illegible] Mr Mason
Mr Mason Creditrs have
ordered their Atorneys to sue