Boston Feb: 3. 1682—3
Hond. Sr.I received by my Brother Barnard Randolph who is now arri-
ved from Engd. upon Capt. Jenner your letter of ye 2d of Octo-
ber with an Enclosed Minute of ye Lords of ye Committee of Trade
for my Coming home: according to yr other received upon
Capt. Hoy: I intend God willing to imbark as soon as I
can to review yr Commands at Whit-hall. in ye meane-
tyme this day I have advise that yesterday was appoin-
ted for Tryall of One Gove & others in ye Provinces of
N: Hamps. for arming themselves last weeke & said they
would know who was [Govr.] before they laid down their
Army: they were by ye [Genrl.] order taken by Major
Waldron. & imprisoned. the whole province Condem-
ning such a rash Act: Mr Moode preached upon ye 30th
of Janry: & made as the Govr. hath said to some a good sermon
upon ye 5th. Commandement.
I shall be well furnished with new matter agt. This Govt.
enough to do their busines without taking notice of for-
mer miscarriages: I have not further to ad onely that I
am now going to Papalaqua: & at my returne prepare
for sea. and am Sr:
your most humble Servt.
Ed Randolph:/