Boston 3: February 1682/3
Hond: Sr:
I was att the Plantation office to receive your comds: to Brorr: Randol
but was soe straightned in point of time, yt: with greate difficultye
I procured a passage on Mr: Jennars ship at ye: Downes, where received—
your packtt: directed to him for which gave my rect: Jennar refused to
take charge theof, ye: wch: (after almost 15: weekes, contending with—
many severe stormes upon ye: carft) I delivered to him, & find him
resolved (upon rect: of your former) to imbarque on ye: first convenien
for England, Leaveing me to receive all your comds: & dispatches—
relateing as well to ye: Province of N: Hampshr: (where I first
Landed) as alsoe what concern's his Majts: in this Collonie, to all wch:
I shall give due respect & Obedience, & Remaine
Hond: Sr:
Your most Humble servt:
Barnd:, Randolph