Portsmouth 20: February 1682:—/3
I have experimentally found every thing come to pass which I
discoursed with you before Mr: Quinn att Whitehall and had not I come in one of his
Majties: Frigotts, those then in Powre would not have given obedience to his Majties:
Commission, The Frigot being no sooner gonn, and that they saw I was resolved to
stand by Mr: Randolph in putting the Acts of trade and navigacon: in Execution
But they upon all occasions questioned my powre of which Goves insurection
one of the Assembly of the Province is a plaine demonstration as by my severall
Letters to the Right Honble: the Lord's of the Committee will plainly appeare—
therfore t'is a meere mockery to thinck, any thing here or in Boston Govmt: can
bee done without the assistance of a frigott, which if you can forthwith obtaine
itt will not only bee a means to settle his Majts: affaires here, att Boston and—
the other Colony's, But also lett us in to other advantages, and if Mr: Quinn
and you will concerne your selves and use your intrest, that the managemt:
of the business may bee comitted to mine and Mr: Randolph care, I do give—
you my faith that you two shall come into any equall part of everyevery thing—
that tends to proffitt, first as to the Settlement of the Province of Maine
wee shall att Least make 3000 lb: The Narragansett Countrey lyes betwixt
severall claimours, both Pty's: have mony and 3 or 4000: lb will not be felt
in the disposeing those Land's, and as for Boston there are some person's to
bee Exempt out of the pardon who will buy their pardon with 8 or 10000 lb
price besides there are severall graunts of Towne land's, which will in a yeare
or two come to bee renewed to pay above 2000 lb upon their new leases, The
Excize and custom's yearly paid come to above 1500: lb and there is above—
5000: mony which was collected for the Evangelizeing of Indians, now out
att use in the Countrey which by comission may bee inspected into and—
regulated with other advantages, which will arise in the Settlement, It [was]
absolutely necessary to have a frigott upon the coast and Sr: John Wybourn
being our freind now on the coast of Ireland as presume may best bee—
spared hee being well acquainted with this Country, by the Frigotts counten-
ance wee shall quitely carry on his Majts: concern's etca: in which if you
intrest Mr: Seamore its verry probable things may succeed the better
and an order for the frigott bee procured the sooner, and by his intrest with—
the Duke of Yorke wee may alwayes have one to attend on the coast, while
affaires are throughly settled without which all Private and Publick mattrs:
will bee att an end./
Mr: Randolph will tell you into what a fooles paradice I am betrayed
for besides the unsociable part, I am over runn with dayly charges and Expences
being forced to hyre trusty men to guard my house by reason of dayly
tumults and Comotion's, and in all respect so uneasy that should not his—
Majtie: imediatly send a Frigott there will bee liveing here, or hopes to have
any Justice done either in relation to the Acts of trade or the Affaires
of Mr: Mason, whose large proposall's of advantage and the peoples—
turning Tenants to him upon the teames made to them in his Majts: Comission
they are all dwindled to nothing..
I am sensible by what I now meet withall that Mr: Randolph in his—
severall letters representing his uneasiness did not complaine without cause
which will all vanish if wee have a frigott, to countenance us in the future
It's possible the Agents may have instructions to wheedle considering the
present circumstances of their Govermt:, But all will end as did with me
when the Frigott was gonn only to gaine time a Principall maxime of the
Xtian: polisy of this Countrey for no sooner did I appeare in Mr: Randolph's
assistance to putt the Acts of trade in Execution or otherwise assert his—
Majts: Authority But open Rebellion follows to which I have only putt
a Stopp by condemning Gove their Principall Ringleader which would—
never have beene brought about had I not first gott an act pass'd that ye:
Marshall appointed by me should have the Full power of impanelling and
returning Jurymen for want of which wee Lost the Ketch as his Majtie:
did my Lord Shaftsberry, And now for quietness sake I am forct to knock
under the Table and allow their severall Extravigancies haveing no power
to be a check to them./
Pray hastne Mr: Randolphs returne with all necessary dispatches to—
whome I referr you in the matters of Publick and private concerns and
Your most humble and
faithfull Servant
Edw Cranfield
To Mr: Blathwayte
N. Hampshire
20 Febr 1683
From Mr Cranfeld
No 15: Recd ye 4 June 1683
Mr Randolph
To the Honble:—
William Blathwayte Esqr:
A Frigatt Necessary
Settlemt of Boston
to ye persons concerned.
Maine [illegible] 3000£
Pardons for the
renewing Leases
Evangelizing M[illegible]:
[illegible] Wyburn.
Mr Seamour
His [Person] Guarded
Govr [tryed]
His Marshall Impannells