Boston 19: June 1683
Since the departure of Mr: Randolph for England I have—
spent my time in this Colony and vizitted severall parts therof on purpose to—
observe the actions and proceedings of these Magistrates of which I have given
the Right Honble: the Lords of the Committee an account att Large and therfore
shall not troble you with repeating it, Mr: Randolphs Bror: brings you fres[h]
complaints against this Govmt:, who are as insolent as ever I referr you to his—
owne relation as to the perticulars, I having beene an Eye and eare Wittness—
of many affronts offerd him from the Magistrates as well as others, I hope
there is a good progress made in the Vacanting of this Patent which they them-
selves doe expect, and if you doe not contribute your utmost endeavours towards
the speedy pulling of them downe you will certainly bee wanting to discharge
your duty to his Majtie: as well as to your selfe in reaping very considerable—
advantages of some thousands of pounds, over and above of what I hinted to—
The trade of this place is cheifly of French and Holland good's, which are
imported in such quantitys and sold so much cheapr: then those brought from
England that of ye: Cargo I brought with me, I have scarsely sold sufficient
to defray my expences and it will bee impossible to prevent this Irregulare
trade without a Frigott or two upon the Coast, to Seize these interloper, the good's
being putt into Sloopes in Severall parts of this Colony err the Ship's come—
into Harbour to make their Entry's./
I expect by my next to heare of Goves being executed for if any money
should bee shewed him there will bee no Liveing in this Country his Punishmt:—
will be a terrour to all others
Sr: I wholy rely upon you for gitting my Commission from his Royall
Highness of being Vice Admirall of the Severall Colonys of New England wch:
being done and with the assistance of a Frigott (which I pray press for with all—
expedition) I may then bee in a condition to secure the trade of the place from
those many interopers wch: now frequent this Coast to the greate damage of his—
Majts: Revenues
Sr I could say a greate deale more but Mr: Randolph, went furnisht
with materialls to carry on his Majts: service, it would bee impertinent to say
any more in relation to these matters therfore shall waite a happy Issue—
both as to what concern's the well settlement of the Province of Maine—
New Hampsheir and this Colony, this is all att Psent from—
Your most humble and—
Faithfull Servant—
Edw Cranfield.
Mr: Blathwaite—
Boston. 19: June 1683.
From Mr Cranfeild
No: 19 Recd ye 9 Aug: 1683
[illegible] Mr Randolph's brother
To the Honble:
William Blathwayt Esqr
Hath Inspectd[obsevrd] the Massachusets
Hath give the
Lds. an Account
French & Dutch goods
sold cheaper than the English.
Expects to hear of Goves
Desires a Comission of
vice Admll. & a firgat
Goves Estate
Goves Estate was so inconsidble:, and conveyed away that all I could make
of it is but 200£: mony of this Countrey to bee paid att Severall times
the first payment not being till January Next & then I will returne
you a third part out of it, which shall bee your portion for the future
of all advantages that Shall arise to mee here or wherever I am—
imployed in his Majts: Service./