From aboard His Maty. Ship
Golden Rope in ye Downes.
Sept. 3. 1683—
I heartily congratulate the New Secretary at Warr. & wish a dayly
accumulation of all happines. by Mr [Poweyes] to me of the first instant
I am advised of yours from Winchester . to me. I shall be very glad
to review all your Commands & feare I may have yet a very
long stay here. in regard the Master is not yet come down and
I heare there are new proprosalls & Articles to be signed by the
Master & whole ships Company whom I find ill disposed to be enga-
ged further then what already agreed upon the Agents have
been sayld from hence now 13 dayes. & this last faire wind will
give them their passage . in a little tyme.
Sr. I have been over looking my papers & find it desired by
Mercts. in Boston—that they might have the benefitt of [Algeere]
Passes for such of their ships as carry fish from us to ye Streights.
be pleased therefore in Continuance of your favour to them to [move]
the Lords That. 12 or 20 Blank Passes may be Sent to New
England by the next shipping for Boston which will be ready
to sayle in 8 or 10 dayes . & as to Mr Brisbans fees. I will
see them paid to him: this will be a great Kindnes to them &
make me very welcome to the trading party. Saturday last I
waited upon Sr. Edwd. Derring at Capt. Whorwoods at Denton.
Sr. Robt. Southwell & you are Expected at [Surrenden] this weeke
you may please to write me yet these 4 or 9 dayes if. busines present
for I am very uncertain of Sayling. intreating the continuance of
your assistance
I am Sr. Your most obliged Sevt.
E N Randolph