His Ma.ties having received Information of Severall vessells of N. Eng.d
trading in Holland Contrary to ye Lawes of Navigation & Trade—
whereby the Same are become forfeited (vizt)
At Amsterdam.
The Pink Susanna of Boston John Frost. Master.
A Small Bark where of Abell Porter went Master
The Pink Dove of Boston Sam. Carter Master
At Rotterdam.
A Larg Pink whereof Rob.t Glanvill is Master, which ships at it
is informd: are or were Lately at ye said respective Ports Besides
two or 3 new Eng.d Shipps more dayly expected. you are by his—
Ma.ties Speciall Command forth with to go in pursuite of the Said vessells
to the Said Ports of Holland, taking to your assistance Henry Carter
whom you inform us was Lately there & can discover them ./
And for your better Countenance & assistance in the Service aforesaid
you have here with delivered unto you a letter from ye Right Hon.bl
the Earl of Middleton, one of his Ma.ties Principall Secrys of State
To S.r James Kennedy his Ma.ties Agent at Campshire to assist
you therein. to whom you are to apply for Councill & direction
as need shall require.
You are at your arrivall at or neer any of the S.d Ports respectively
discreetly to inform your Selfe of any of ye Said vessells, or any
others trading from his Ma.ties Plantations contrary to Law, And to
Endeavour by ye best wayes & meanes you can. the Seizure thereof
and Such as you Seize, that you cause to be conveyed to to ye next Port
of Eng.d that you can make & putt the Same into ye Charge of
the Officer there.
And if upon yr Arrivall at any of the Said Ports you shall find that
any of ye S.d vessells have been there, & discharged their Loding Contrary
to Law & are departed, you are to gain the most Certain Information
you can concerning them. that So they may be proceeded against. when
they shall be found in other places:
And for ye Carring on of this Service Cap.t Henry Brown Command.r
of his Ma.ties Sloop Observator. is directed to attend you. who lyes
ready in ye Downes to receive you, on Board. of whom you are
forth with to repair. Who will be also provided with money for
defraying ye necessary Charge of this Service./
And if you shall have occasion to make use of the Councell or
assistance of his Ma.ties Agents at Amsterdam or Rotterdam you have
here with Our Lett.rs Recommendatory to them to that purpose which
you may use as you shall have Occasion./
If after you have discovered any of the Said vessells. you find
any difficulty or opposition from ye Authority of ye Place in the
Seizure thereof. or if after you have Laid on your hand you find
opposition in Bringing them off. you are not to Spend tyme in
Soliciting. but have the matter in Charge with ye Kings
Agents & return heither;
Ch: Cheyne.
N Butler.
J Buckworth
W Dickinson
Custome house. London
8.th of Oct: 1684
Copy (8 Oct: 1684.
Mr Randolph's Instructtion
to seize ships trading
in Holland from New-