[Deal]: No:ber 19:th 1685.
Could I have foreseen my stay here would have been so long I
would not have made such hast from ye Plantation Office. but I
was hastned away by my Masters of ye Custome house: I have been
troubled with an Ague & a fitt of ye Gravell occasioned by
Coming a shoar in a Great Storm from Our Ship: I thank God I
am Somewhat better but go not out of my Lodgings:
S.r you have added to your former favors in taking care to
procure me Mr Froudes Deputation—which God Sending me
Safe to New Eng:d shall be improved for his Ma.te Service and
the accomodation of ye Country:
By a ship which arrived yesterday in ye Downes from [Nevis] tis
reported, That the Deputy Gen.r of that Island had Such apprehen-
sions of Monmouths prevailing that hee devided the
men into three parts & made one third raise new forti-
fications to Secure that place from being attackd by ye
Rebells: I would heartily rejoice that all our dispatches were
perfected I feare wee shall be beat off ye Coast & then
it may be the Latter end of Aprill before wee can come
to Boston: I intreat you to present my humble Duty to Sr
Robt Southwell and accept of the hearty thankes of Sr
your most obliged & most
humble Serv.t
Ed Randolph