[Deal]: Dec: 12: 1685
Altho' my Stay here is much longer then I expected: yet tis Some Satis-
faction: that I have an oppertunity to address to you before I sayl. and therein
to obviate. Some ill proceedings both to the great obstruction of his—
Maties. affaires under my Care & also designd to my utter ruine: and this—
I heare is Sett on foot by Mr Cranfeild Late Govr: of New Hampsheire; Who
is newly come to town: & finding him selfe not onely putt by that Govnt.
but utterly disappointed of his Expectation of being Governr. of the
Boston Colony: which he hoped to obtain by my care & interest with the
E: of Clarendon to whom Mr Cranfeild by me Sent a letter: & instructed me
how I should manage with other persons of Quality in his behalfe: hee now
charges me with unkindnes & on the other hand makes m me the Sole Con-
triver of his disappointmt. & finding his Matie. has bestowed Larg markes of
his favour upon me: he, enviing those gracious returnes of my past Services
now (as I am told) undertakes to inform against me for taking Bribes
during the tyme of my mangage in the Office of Collector of his Matie. Customs.
about 2 yeares ago: One Mr Dyre Sent to N. Engd. in quality of Surveyor
Genll. to this man Mr Cranfeild applyes & makes a freindship: and then desired
him to inform ye Comme: of the Customs that I had taken bribes: & this discourse.
he raised & promotes without any ground on purpose to Stop my voyage
& present undertaking upon which depends not onely the present settle-
ment of the Boston Colony. but will destroy his Maties: intentions of bringing
all the Colonyes under one Genll. Govr: Its sufficiently known to my lord—
Culpeper when in New Engd: how zealously I prosecuted Those Who broak
the Acts of Trade. & was Supported therein by his Lordsps. countenance:
against the whole Govnt: & body of Merchants who opposed me: & you may
easily beleive, That the bostoners by their Agents would Long Since have
informd agt. me. if they could fix any matter of that nature upon
me: being all along deemed the Grand enemy of that Country and
t'was their Generall interest to gett me upon any termes removed.
so that This charg as he pretends arises upon a letter which I sent
Mr Mason 2 yeares ago disswading him from violent courses in ob-
taining his Rent from ye Inhabitants of New Hamp: in which Mr
Cranfeild was too Deeply concernd: & upon his Seeing that letter
he sent wrote me that he would ruine me if it were in his power
& now upon his Coming to Town & finding himselfe frustrated
of all his Expectations. he hopes to gain a Creditt by impeaching
me; & making a noise to no p other purpose Then to overthrow
my voyage being every day ready to Sayle:
I humbly intreat the favour of you, to take notice of his manage
& if he offer any thing to my prejudice: to acquaint my Ld Preston
of it who upon perusing this paper will do me justice: & Stand
by me. So farr: that I may have tyme to make my defence if
needfull: I onely intreat That I may proceed on my voyage &
putt in Execution these Commissions which concern the publick
Settlement & benefitt of that Country: & Then will gladly return to
England to vindicate my reputation which has been so often
attempted by those, whom my diligence in his Matis. Affaires has—
made my enemyes: I humbly intreat your pardon for this trouble
& remain in all Duty
your most humble & most obliged
Ed Randolph
my humble Service to my Ld.
Preston: & to Sr. Christopher Margrand:
I have not wrete one Word to Mr Blathwayt about this matter
because I am have not heard any thing from him./. I know he
is my freind: