Kings Weston—6. Jan.
Dear Sr.
I was yesterday tempted to carry my
Company here to Bristoll, to see Some naturall
Curiosityes wch. Mr. Cole one of ye Custome
Officers, & a great collectour of rarityes, has
putt together. Then I heard of Mr
Cranfeilds being in towne, & presently
after he came in, telling me yt uppon
Light of my livery he could not forbeare
to find me out.
In a very short time he fell to rayle
bitterly agst. Mr. Randolph. and to leap
over all the [Robbs] yt. I flung in the way.
That he had sent home affidavits agst.
him, & other [malefactonrs] in yt. Country
but that all his Complaints were Supprest.
Mr. Blathwayt.
That He had Contended with—2—open
Rebellions in his Govermt. and thought
it a blessing to be well ridd of [P.] And
the more since Mr. Blathwayt had
been unkind to him.
I asked him, whose fault was it if
he had caught a [Tartar]. and found
Some disappointmts. in the thing he
Soe much desired. He told me
he never had desired yt. Govermt.
and yt. it was only yr. Impurtunity
yt. made him goe. He would have
utter'd more of his Recentmts. agst. you
if he had not found it Inconvenynt.
But I Suppose he does it with Sr.
John Knight, where I am told he
has Struck up as formerly.
When I mentioned Mr. Randolphs
many dangerous voyages & great Service
He raysed his owne meritt about all
Saying he was a well borne
& yt. his Grandfather was the first
that discoverd the Gunpowder Treason,
but yt. Randolph was a Scoundrell &c:
You [see how] I want subject of
[Concerne] when I entertaine you with
this Stuff. but tis not amisse yt. you
know what is Strirring, and how yr.
friend Mr. Cranfeild takes in with the
Our Small company here are well
I am ever
Sr. your most [illegible] & most
humble Servent
Robert Southwell