Boston : May. 17th. 1686
Hond. Sr:
I thank god after my very tedious & dangerous passage I am
Safe arrived here ye 14th. instant to the Great Joy & Satisfaction of many
of the best men in this town & Country: I have delivered
his Maties: Commission etc: to Mr Dudley which hee most rea-
dily accepted wee this day meet to convene the other Gent.
& in a few dayes shall obtaine a good issue: of which &
all other proceedings I doubt not but you will have a—
plentifull account by Mr Mason whom I mett here in town
ready to imbark for London
: but It's necessary for his
Maties: Service to Stop him here, which will plead
his just excuse, in not appearing to answeare to Mr
Vaughans Appeale at the day appointed which with
my humble Service presented to Sr. Rob Sowthwell.
Mr Guin. Mr Musgrave. & all freinds
I remain Sr
Your most humble Servt:
Ed Randolph
my humble Service to Mr. Povey
Whose excuse I intreat because
I have not tyme to write him
To Mr Blathwayt yours to Coll Dougan is sent a way