: May ye
in my last of the 17th instant I represented that I arrived
the instant: This acquaint you that ye 25 following the Pres.dt
& is 4 of ye Councill mett at Boston & taking ye oathes wer entried
upon ye Govt: Mr Champernoon: was so much indisposed that twas
not possible for him to come to Boston: Butt old Mr Bradstreet
& his Son wholy refused to accept ye Commission as a thing contrived to abridge
them of their Libertye & indeed against Magna Charta: & Mr
Saltinstall also [diserted us]: in whose places are very proper
to bee inserted: Richard Smith of Narragansett
: Mr
William Brown Junior: the third I[illegible] to Mr Masons
nomination who is Coming over upon ye next ship which
will in a short tyme Sayl from home: I cannot omitt to ac-
quaint you that Mr Wharton out of a pure zeale to quiet
and peaceable treatment has carried himselfe very odly.
& Tharted Twharted what ever has been proposed
by my selfe the President or the Loyall part of the
Councill. he has been dissatisfied that he was not of
made Register: & opposes Major Bulkleys being putt
in Commission for Mr [Costle]: he is a man of Sincere
Loyalty: & I know not any man amongst us so fitt
for that place. as hee is: and that he might have some
Encouragement to Support the Charge & expence of being
Capt. of the [Copte]: wee thought to ad the place of provost
martiall to be executed for him by a deputy: S.r you
cannot do his Ma.tie greater Service then to recommend him
to that Trust: Mr Mason will vouch for his integrity & Duty
to his Ma:te our tyme has been taken up with making
Officers of the Militia & Justices of the peace. and this on
munday next wee have a Committee to examine the acco.
of their Treasurey & [reveineus]; wee are every day employd
to in preparing methods of proceedings in Courts regulating
the abuses of Juryes. & many other matters of moment
complaind of, and now I feare The Treasury of this Country
is departed with the Old: Magistrates: There is a necessity
Either to have ye mint here regulated or to have money
from England for since they have Ceased Coining all
thier money is Every day shipd off for England or othr
Countryis so that tis a hard matter to gett 100£ in silver
I have not opned my mouth about ye province of Main
least That would raise a mutiny for Severall of ye
Old Magistrates & Deputyes have cutt themselves out
Large dividends & disinherited many who were
in possession upon antient Titles before the Indian
Warr; & the people were strangly possessd of bringing
in popery. & a little matter at my first coming would
Spoil all: for the Genll. Court was then sitting and
would hardly be perswaded to know their duty:
they sent a very humble request to Mr. Dudley repre-
senting to him the many dangers would arise upon his
accepting the Commission: they used arguments to him
to refuse to all: & then they Sayd his Ma.te would never
take further care of them: But he laughd at them and
carried himselfe with great prudence & resolution I
have notwithstanding made a great progresse above
thprocuring the masts & by next ship shall Send Mr
Sectry. Pepys my Contract fully compleated tho twill
be next May or 2 or 3 months longer if Snow prevent
before I can have them ready to ship off.
I have likewise been forcd' to conceal the Quo war.tts
ags.t R: Island & Connecticutt Colony: least they should
all combine & stand out: but I shall have tyme to go
to those parts & must do what I can by perswasion for
the writts were by my tedious Voyage out of Date
15 days before I arrived: I treat them at a distance
with proffession of great freindship. & the sight
of the frigott may operate more than a legall
Summons: you will beg pardon for not sending
Our Addresse which wee cannot avoid to reserve
for Mr Mason to bring over: his Company is so ab-
solutely necessary That wee cannot Spare him till
the next Ship from hence: to whom wee shall referr
you: here with is the first of our Authority: which
with my humble Service Is humbly presented by
Your humble & most
obedient Serv.t
Ed Randolph
Mr Stoughton is declared Depty
president: he is very moderate
& hearty to serve ye King;
Sr. I am to add that Mr Master
a Kinsman of Mr Musgraves
will be taken care for by ye president upon your
recommendation so soon as wee come to settle Courts
which he is best acquainted with all: tho'. he carryes him
selfe very idly: Its hoped by me & experience may work
an alteration in him for the better. E R.
To Mr Blathwayt