: June: ye 19:th
I hope before this tyme Mr Mason has acquainted you That
Wee have gott the Goverm,:t of this Country in our hands and
thats all. for so long as there are most of our Councill
men of great designes who will beleive no other then
that this change was intended onely to advantage them
you may expect to heare of no great matter done for ye
Publick: when Connecticutt & Road Island are reduced
to which End I am now taking a very warm journey
I beleive his Ma:ties Quitt rents may amount to about
3000:£ a yeare with the dutyes upon wine & liquors. I
can never Say too often. that his is a very poore place
and. Tho' wee talke dayly of thousands & ten thousand
acres of Land yet tis very hard to gett 100:£ paid even
by ye great proprietors: I have told Mr Povey how
Coursly they deal with me: but S.r Edmonds Coming over
will make a more Throw reformation: pray S.r be pleased
to remember me: Mr Wharton drives hard at me because he
was not made register: I am at great Charg & a continuall
p trouble attending. but I see nothing more coming then
what I have paid me in Eng.d & Thats one argument of
their contralling me here & now since Mr Masons gone
they have forgott both him & me
I wish the attendance of
all happines to your affaires & am S.r
your most obliged
& most humble Ser.t
Ed Randolph
to Mr Blathwayt
Maj:r Bulkley is a very honest Loyall man his heart is
almost broak so for ye Gov.r & Company of ye Massachu-
setts Bay Still in power by vertue of his Ma.ts late Commission
& wee can find hardly any but their Creatures to putt in
Office: I have onely to accept Mr Jo: Usher whom for
many reasons besides being of the Councill wee have Chosen
treasurer: he is a man of a very good estate & true to his
Ma.ts interest: which is to give place when the Narragansett
affaires come to be discoursed in publick: Mr Mason will attest
this: my humble service to Mr S.r Robert Southwell
& to Mr Southwell.
To the Hon.d
William Blathwayt
at ye plantation Office
19 June 86
From Mr Randolph
Recd: 6: Aug: 86