Boston June 27:th 1686:
Last night with the President I returnd from ye Narragansett Country where
on wednesday Last his Ma:ties Commission of [illegible] was published in Court
the Deputy G.ovr of Road Island
& one of their Magistrates were present
& quietly assented to it, and I expect no further Claim to be made by
them to that Country. Mr Wharton with others concernd Stay behind
& are directed to [treat] the [illegible]r tenants civilly.
I left with ye Gov:r of R: Island a Superannuated Summons of
ye Quo. Warr.ts & had assurance from them that they would Surrendr
their charter & he discoursd me about ye manner of Doing it
But at my return to them from ye Narraganstt they desired a—
fortnights tyme to consider of it & would answear me from their
Gen:ll Court. perhaps they will try with Coll Dougon upon what
termes to be under ye Govn.t of N. York for in my absence they
received a letter from him to that purpose: They are a Sad
Sort of Mortalls as you ever heard of, & who Knowes but
reveng upon our Colony. they may (if in their power) Subject them
selves to that Govn:t which will perfectly ruine us all for wee
have most part of Our Flesh from thence. & should he gett Connec-
ticott Colony to whom he has also writt, we should be in danger
of starving for wee have great part of Our Corn from thence. This
is a matter worthy your Care & will be recommended to Mr Blathwayts
favour & directions therein for tis of Great import & wee are
concernd to obviate so great a mischeife;
I discoursd ye Gov:r of R: Island about ye 1000 acres of Land
granted to the Late E. of Clarendon by their Genll Court: they putt
it off by very absurd doubts: & if they cannot avoid it will Lay
it out in Warwick: township: but I do not as yet presse this matter
further hoping by the next ship to send their Surrender: I Looke upon
R: Island to be the best Land & for that quantity the most profitatble
part of New England. the Quit rents there will be of great value
towards Support of this Govn.t I expected to meet Some of ye Magis-
trates of Connecticutt of the Narragansett but they were so weak
as to feare I would make an attachment of ye Quo. Warranto &
give them personall trouble at that distance from home. I intend to
be with them in 14 dayes tyme: then the letter from N. york may force
them to a Surrender also: otherwise you have tryed what a
[Scire farias] will do & must to that extream remedy. you may
please to remember I wrote from ye Downes to have two Quo wa.tts
returnable in Next [Mnth] Term: fearing a long passage but have
not received any. & they may be so imprudent as to stand out
& take advantage upon the losse of tyme:
S.r this day at noon. I joyfully received your welcome packett filld
up with newes my Lord Delamers tryall & your letter of ye
3 of Aprill. Which advises the progresse of a larg settlement of
N: york Govn.t Our Govn.t will be quite ruined should but ye Southern
part of Connecticott Colony. which was (as by a Grant to that Colony)
many yeares setled under the name of [Quinnepirl] or New Haven
Colony Consisting of 4 townes: & by their joint consent in 1662
joined annexed in their Charter to Connecticott: The N. york Govn.t
makes us pay after ye Rate of 6 percent for all Goods imported
from thence to Our Govn.t besides those people will never agree
to be Subject to N. York: in regard they have been all along part
of us: S.r I thought before this tyme to have procured a—
handsome present to Mr Blathwayt & to your Selfe for your
great Care & zeal in the Settlement of this ingratefull Country.
but in the first place Certainely they are very poore, having now
no Assembly to raise money upon ye people more then what is
now paid by ye Excise upon Wine & Rum. & retailers of Beer
& Cyder: besides I have not yet demanded the money you were
sensible I was out of purse about Soliciting their busines which
thro: Mr Blathwayts & your extraordinary favour I obtained with
very great difficulty—
Neither have they given me thanks for procuring them
their Librty in Matters of Regi religion. Had wee all ye Colonyes
well settled under our Govn:t as now it is Called N. England the
Quitt rents & other easy impositions will amount to nigh
4000.£ p. ann N. Eng.d money: pray assist Mr Mason about our Mint
and be confident that you shall find your advantage in all my
Concernes: But at present I have little more than the troublesome
title of Secry & Sole register: for they have placed the Rigister
of Wills with the Clerkes of the County Courts. and the Records of
Lands Sales & Mortgages with them also: So that the Cheife
end & publick benefitt of a Gen:ll Register is quite destroyed,
some tyme since Mr Wharton offred me 6 50:£ a yeare to have
the Registring of Deeds etc: for 3 yeares & said he would
in that tyme make it worth to him 150:£ a yeare. But since
my refusall I do not see where I can make 60:£ a yeare
of both Offices of Secry & Register. At my arrivall I hired
a strong new Brick house & pay 60.£ a yeare Rent. that no
objection might be made against my keeping the Records
in my own house, & I am to have the Country Records
brought to me: which are of publick Concern but of
more trouble & then profitt: but the beneficiall perquisites of
my Office are alienated: which I have just grounds to
represent being unwilling to be lesned in any part of my
places Which his Ma:tie has been pleased to reward me with all
I have not pressd, that the full Sum paid in Jamaica.
should be allowed of here. I have said the Country is very
poore, but I see not why I should be incroached upon I&
the country is no way eased, for my profitts are disposed of to others I leave this with you as a testimony of my dissent: & expect
to be have orders for exparation from Whitehall upon your
representing my humble Complaint to their Lords:pps
my humble Service to Mr Blathwayt. to whom I wrote
by this ship. of ye 19:th instant and
beleive that I am Sr
your most obliged & most
humble Serv.t
Ed Randolph
to Mr Povey.
27 June 86
From Mr Randolph
Recd 3 Aug: 86
p Capt
[illegible] /
Narragansett Contrey [illegible]
as to ye Governmt
Rhode Island Served wth
Quo warrto considers of
E: Clarendons 1000 acres.
Packet of 3 Apr: recd