July: 1: 1686.
Inclosed I send your Hon:r copyes of the letters I now have
dispatchd to ye Comm:rs of his Ma.es Customes: & their Secretaryes there
you may See I have not been J[illegible]. in the affaires of y.e
Custome house: and also a copy of a letter from ye Gov.r &
company of Connecticott Colony: I intend to go theither
in 10 dayes tyme & Give them a Summons to appeare tho'.
the Writts are out of Date:
There has arrived by Mr Hoy from London amongst—
others one D.r Mourton a Non Conformist minister he
I heare is to be preferrd to be President of ye Colledge.
wee have been very un happy in Our choice of Military
Officers & Justices of the Peace, being for ye most part
church members; & but two Cap.t in Boston Come to heare
divine Service; I question not but wee shall have
multitudes of phannatticks flock over heither [heare] neces-
sary that none be admitted to stay here upon the
place but such as will take the Oath of Allegiance &
that directed from ye Councill Chamber to us otherwise
t'will never be consented to by us:
Cap.t George Commander of the Rose proves a very
troublesome man to me especially in the busines of
negotiations the Custome house: & takes it very unkindly
that I will not suffer him to seize ships in the Harbour
which is my duty & office to do as Collector of his Ma.ie
Customs: which greatly discourages my Officers: I humbly
referr you to what I have largely wrote to Mr Povey
& remain S.r
your most obliged & most humble Serv.t
Ed Randolph