Boston , June @ 1686
Right Hon:ble
Since myne to y.r Hon:r of ye Instant
to wch I humbly Referr, being Returned
the Presd:t from ye Southern part. of this Coun-
try, I had Information yesterday morning
at 4 a Clock yt a small Barque Called ye—
Swallow from ye Canaryes Joshua Westm:r
burthen about 40 tons was plying neer ye
Shore between Cape Cod & Cape Anne, about
3 Leagues distant from Nantasket, I
Straigtway went aboard ye Rose Frigott Cap:tt
George Riding at Anchor in
Boston Harbour, and Desired him to man—
out his Longboate wth 4 Pattarero's and—
bring ye said Barque under Comand of
the Castell, wch was Accordingly done ab.t
2 in ye afternoon, the Master Came to Enter
his Pink wth [illegible], but ye Presed:t would not ad-
mit him, I then Seized her & her Loadeing
for his Mat:e in order to her tryall./ about
60 ton burthen, this Afternoon, the Pink
S[uccess of Chester] Joshua Glover master
came to an Anchor in Nantasket Road:
he came to ye Presed.t & my Selfe Desireing—
&c [are] to Wood & Watter pretending hee had—
been a Long tyme at Sea, and was bound from
London to Virginia, he produced his [Cerquitry]
but not being Satisfactory the Presedent orde-
red him to be brought under Comand of ye
Castle, I intend to go on board her & seize her & Loading
wch is most Scotch goods in order to her tryall & Condem-
I have provided boates & my men are
Diligent, but I dare not Expose my selfe or them as farr
as Nantasket wch lyes a League below & out of Com-
and of ye Castle: When his Maj:e shall Graciouly
please to favo.r us wth an Assembly wee shall bee able
to Raise money to Keep a smale vessell of about
30 or 40 tons out at sea wth 6 or 8 small Gunny—
& well man'.d wch will be very Serviceable in-
plying between ou.r Capes & will wholy Confound
the Interlopeing trade;
I humbly take Leave &
Yo:r Hon:rs most humble
& most Obedient Serv:t