My two Letters of the 19th & 30th Instant To the
Right Hon:ble the Commissio:er of his Majestyes Customes
advise my Seisure of three Vessells one from france
which unliverd her Wine and salt off at Sea,
the other two a Small Pink and a Bark are
loaden one from Scottland and the other from
the Canaryes in order to their tryall on monday
next of all which I hope to give a very good
account by the next Shipping.
Here ariseth a warn dispute between Cap.t George
and my Selfe about the right of Seizing Such
vessells that are within our harbours. I find
my Self and my Deputyes by his Maj:ties commission
under the great Seal to be empowred thereto,
But Cap:t George insists upon the power granted
to Admiralls and other Commanders at Sea. &ca—
by ye 12th of the Late King, besides if he cannot
be admitted as a [Casar] he Expects to be allow'd of
as an Informer and So to prosecute in behalfe
of his Majesty and thereupon to obtaine one third
part of the forfieture.
I am abundantly Satisfyed to See the Interlopers thus
discountenanced and provided it be alwayes legally
and effectually done it matters not to me by whom
Such Service is performd for his Maj:tie but in as
much as hither to I find by the Acts of trade &
practice of other places that It is my Duty to Seize
and prosecute for his Maj:tie I do not See how I can
omission of yt part of my Duty having no direct-
ions for So doing in my instructions.
I am
yr Humble [illegible]
E R: