. July 12:th
I have received a letter from Road Island with the inclosd
direction but under a private Seal: So that Some of the [Cheife]
of the Island fearing tis but a Cheat & evasion. have desired
me first to Speak with the Gen:l before I send it: I find there
is a great difference betwixt them: the Inhabitants fearing
they shall all be Laid to N: york: which will be the utter
ruine of this whole Country. I go from thence to Connec-
ticott: where Coll: Dungan. has Sent before hand to
invite them under his Gom:t
wee have very Seldome Councills & then little done besides
quarelling: & agree in nothing but Sharing ye Country
amongst themselves & Laying out Larg tracts of Lands.
I can gett nothing to passe as yet about ye Acts of trade
Mr Stoughton & the presid.t cannot agree. at least they
seem openly & in Councill very often to quarrell: the
presidt assumes to him Selfe the whole Gom:t I am forcd
to Say little in regard wee have but a very thin Councill
Severall living remote are unwilling to meet at Boston:
& I feare they will throw all up: Wee have had 4 Shipps
seized 3 tryed: the Presid:t most ungratefully (thinking
I can do him no further Service) letts Cap.t Georg into the
profitts of my Seizures: I have one ship to try which I
Shall have Condemnd: She is worth about 400:[#]
there is great necessity that S.r Edmund Andros make hast over
for wee are in great Confusion: the Councill Suppose as the
Gom.t is in them So they ought with the president to have a
Share with him in all ye Seizures: but he will keep his third part.
Sr I am called Register. but no man Comes & records
their deeds at my Office. his Ma:tie may if he please raise
a Great [illegible] here. for not make one Grant of Lands
in this town or Colony is passd under the Seat of ye Colony
if wee Seize but a Ship or two more the Interlopers will
be quite [ruined]: I have Severall boats out & hope
yet to meet with them: but the Presid.t & Cap.t Georg en-
deavour to putt me out of all busines here. & they agree
very well in dividing their Shares. & discourage all Such
whom I have Sett out to Sea; to Seize prohibited goods.
the President very much countenances our Non Conformist Mi-
nisters and to their Great Satisfaction leaves Mr Ratcliffe
a worthy Saler man to depend upon 12 or 14 persons [Gent].
who are his hearers for a maintainance. & [report] the Charge
will make us give over: pray [more] That Lords That all
persons Coming from Eng.d Scotland etc: into these parts may
give an account of their names to the Secry: & the place of
their last residence in England to be transmitted quarterly to their Lordshipps. wee have 30 passengers Come
over Some from ye west of Eng:d & a very fine Gent. whom
I have not Seen: I have reason to Suspect them because
none of them come to Our Church. And that no minister—
coming to us from Eng.d etc, be admitted to preach in publick
unlesse he produces a Testimoniall from my lord of London:
I intreat your favor & assistance in these difficultyes made
me by my extraordinary kindnes & relying upon the
Greatest hypocrite in the World: he thinks he cannot bee
safe in his projects So long as Mr Mason & my Selfe are
of the Councill: I feare my Cousin Mason will find the
ill efforts of his too much depending upon ye Loyalty of
the presid.t who will admitt of ye Great Turk for advantage.
I am S.r your most obliged Serv.t
Ed Randolph
to Mr Blathwayt.S.r Since they will not allow our minister a Church or
any mainttainance: be pleased to move that he may have
20:[illegible] a weeke paid him ou out of the Contribution money
collected in ye 3 meeting houses in Boston: which 3[#] weekly
will Support him & in upon that fund raise money to
build us a Church.
To the Hon.d
William Blathwayt Esqr.
Boston 12 July 86
From Mr Randolph
Recd 6 Sepr 86