Boston : July: 86
Inclosed is a letter Sent me Some tyme Since from ye Govm.t
of Road Island they call it a Surrender of their Charter: I
have Since the Reveiw of it called on them in my way to
Hartford in Connecticutt; the Gov.r tells me they will passe
a Surrender in fuller termes under ye Seat of theri Colony
but are willing to have this Sent: I was with the Gov.r
of Connecticott & delivered to him the Quo: Warr:to I
Suppose they intend not to Stand it out. our Councill:
have Sent Major Pincheon & Cap.t Winthrop. to Hartford to
perswade them to accommodate the matter So as they may
be added to the Govm.t here. how far that will prevaile I
know not, They are Sensible of Mr. Dudleyes [incroach-
ment] on all or every Side & are unwilling to trust him.
& are Strongly invited to Come under new york: but its'
more for the publick advantage to have that Colony con-
tinued to us: Since my going to Hartford the Presid.t
has So contrived the matter that Cap.t Georg has re-
ceived above 200:£ of money which legally belongs to
me, who as collector & Informer ought to be admitted
to prosecute a Ship Loaden with Scotch Goods: Butt
tis all here as Cap.t Georg pleases. the presid.t & her carry
all as they please. to So great dissatisfaction of the of the Mem-
bers of the Councill that now instead of meeting to do publick
busines tis onely to quarrell & that in Such heates that I feare
it will occasion the Dissolving of this Govm:t I am forced to
moderate others' passions, (tho I have most cause to complain),
& quietly to Suffer my profitts to be Shared out amongst
others: tell S.r Edmond Andros Come over: he is longed for by
all Saler men who find themselves abused by the false Presidt.
Mr Wharton is coming over Our Agent I have offred Mr
Mason at least to be joined with them, but I think I can not
gett it to passe: There will I feare be an eruption betwixt
the French of Nova Scotia & our People in Main & N. Hamp-
shire. occasioned by Cap.t Palmers & Mr West of New York
who being at the fort of Pemmaquid & having advise
of a ship of Pascalaqua which Landed wine at Panopscutt
belonging as they Say to Nova Scotia: They by force entred
went a Shoare & tooke off the wine: I referr you to the
inclosed a Copy of Cap.t Palmers letter: The[deleted] Gov:r of N: york
I am told has given them directions to claime all the land
as far eastward as the River S:t Croix: wee have Sent
to all places to warn our people & to ye fisher men
[best] to venture upon Their Coasts least they bee
Surprized: & made to answear for the damages done
by Strangers: just now I have received a letter
from My good freind Mr Chaplin who acquaints me
of your happy recovery from a dangerous Sicknes for
which I return harty thanks to almightly God: Mr Stoughton
is inclined to the Non Conformists ministers yet Stands
right to his Ma.tes interest: Mr Usher is made a great
crimianall for informing against [Moode] & Allen who are
Stirring up the people to rebellion: he is a just honest man
& will not See his Ma.tes interest Suffer: but wee are
over voted & can not helpe our Selves: till S:r Edmond come
regulate these matters: S.r I am under great difficultyes
& were it not for my engagement in the busines of ye Masts
I would once more make a Journey over: for I am treated
by Mr Dudley worse then by Mr Danforth yet all under ye
pretence of freindship & is angry that I do not believ him:
Honest Major Bulkley is quite tired out & can hardly be perswa-
ded to come to Boston: This is in our present distracted Condition/
wee have onely patience & our friends assistance to depend
upon: in England for redresse:
I remain S.r
your humble Serv.t
Ed Randolph
my humble Service
to yoar two sisters:
& their Cousin Porrey:
S:r I am informd that the Land whereon the wine was landed
has been alwayes deemed to belong to the french: & was the
very place formerly belonging to S.r Thomas Temple and
was delivered up to the french upon ye Articles of Breda—
by Cap.t Wiburn: by his Ma.[illegible] Speciall Command: in exchang
for ye English Plantation on S.t Christophers & this done
about ye yeare. 1686/. 1667
to Mr Blathwayt,
Sr Some of ye members of ye Councill are of opinion that Since the Establi
Establishment[contribution] of this Govm:t is by a Presidt & Councill: who united are all
but Gov:r That therefore they ought to have a proportionall Share of
the profitt as well as of the Charg & burthen—having not one penny
coming to them as members of the Councill: more then to any Justice of
the peace Some Stay here 5 or 6 weekes together & [might] their own
busines & wee have nothing to defray their ordinary Charges besides Losse
of tyme: which they have desired me to represent & pray your opinion
there upon: as also wheither the Presid.t is [illegible] the Ordinary
to grant. administration & to allow the Probat of Wills he producing
no authority from his Ma.tes Lords of ye Councill or from my [L.d of Lond—]
S.r whereas in the letter from Our Councill in answeare—to their [L:dde]
letter relating to Mr Ratcliffe: Mr Wharton who has undertaken
to draw up that lettr: has putt down 100:£ a yeare arising
by Our Collection to ward Mr Ratcliffe: maintainance his very false for tho' wee did
once or twice collect in Our Church about 40:d a Sunday: yet it
is to be considered that wee have many [illegible]
of that collection: & Clerks wages & our Pulpett etc: & their
saying as our numbers increase So will our Contribution: It's
more like they will rather [lessen] under So great discourage-
ments: & shortly many [gone]. for now of Our Church will
return home to the forain plantations who for 2 or
3 months come to Spend their tyme with us: & 50:£
New Engd. money is as much as wee have given in
wee are also to allow our Minister—who is a very [sober]
To William Blathwayt