Boston . July: 28:th 86
Hond S:r
I am Safe returnd from my wildernes work having Travelled
round the Country by way of Road Island to Stonington [thence]
to Hartford from thence to Major Pincheons at Springfeild and
So to Boston which in England would make 300 miles: I have
inclosed sent to Mr Blathwayt an Addresse from ye Gov.r & Company: of R: Island They So call it
but they mean by it a Surrender & upon reading it Seemes
Some what like it: but in case it do not answear the End they
intend to Send another under the Seal of Their Colony: Now
the Inhabitants of Road Island have a great jelousy That
the Quakers who are now in Govm:t intend to petition his Ma.te
that they may be joyned to York Govm:t I am well assured there
is a Strict correspondence betwixt Coll Dougan & ye Quakers
& they are gott into a fooles Paradice hoping they shall be
Continued in ye Govm:t & pay not one penny towards Support
of N: york: and I know they have Sent papers by a boat
expresse to N. york to accommodate affairs betwixt them. and
that being once added, They will have the Main Land
from the South bounds of Connecticutt with ye Narragansett
[&c] the townes of Warrwick & Providence; by which meanes
they will contract our Govm.t & take away the most usefull
part of N. Eng.d from us: and now to Hartford. where
on Wednesday Last weeke I mett the Gov.r Treat. he gave
me great respect as he thought when he told me he had
an honour for all persons who came from ye Imperiall
brown: I tooke it so & in return presented him the Quo
told him the meaning & desired an answear (Major [illegible] Allen
& One Mr Fitch. Magistrates being present) wheither—they would
Surrender or Send over an Agent instructed to make their
much tyme being Spent I respected their resolves: but I was
questioned by what Commission I was impowred to bring a
Quo: to them: I told them I left that upon record in Eng.d
ready to be [Seen] by their Agent: I find them very indifferent
whither they Surrender their Charter or Suffer his Ma.te to take it by processe
at Law: as also under what Govmt. they fall. but had rather
be continued independent with Some Small alteration in
their Lawes: the truth is they are discouraged by Cap.t George
putting men aboard their vessells coming to Boston: and also
by Our Presidents disobliging carriage to the members of
ye Councill: but rather by private letters advising them
to protract tyme that the the Presid.t & others may enjoy their
places of profitt & advantage: hoping thereby ther to pre-
vent or at least delay the Coming over of a Govr
here has been very fine work betwixt our Pres.t & Cap Georg.
a Scotch man was come to Nantaskett upon Sight of the
Coquett I found it forged & Sent Capt George his long
boat to [illegible] her up: the Presid.t admitts him to pro-
secute as an informer they carry the cause from me have
her apprized at 600:£ but afterwards 700:£ was bid &
paid they have Shared ye money the Presid:t has his own
& His Ma.te third part: which Cap.t Georg & hee intend to
beg of his Ma:tie pray call on Mr Savage & you will
find how much money in all how much money is in ye
Presidents hands which pray beg of his Ma.te towards your
Charges in Coming over: I referr you to my letters to Mr
Blathwayt in which you will See Some late transactions
of Cap.t Palmer & Mr West
wee are in a very great Confusion Their Ministers Crying out open
mouth against the Common prayer: & to disswade people Say
tell them that whore mongers & addule adulterers shall
Sooner go to England heaven then those who follow will worship
Major Bulkley is a very good mem: & can hardly be perswaded
to come to ye Councill Seing So much folly & passion at
all meetings. Mr Usher is the Onely person of a Church
member who Stands up for ye Common prayer, and
has been chargd in Councill for advising Allen & other Mi-
nisters to attend their preaching onely & not [invey]
ag:t ye Common Prayer: & those of that go to heare it/
my humble Service to my Lady Andros: my wife has
mett here with worse treatment from Cap.t Georg then Capt
[illegible] from Cap:t Billop: being libelled in a most Scu-
rilous manner: & other abuses which will oblige her to come
to England if shee can meet no Satisfaction here: Sr please
to remember in your instructions that you may have ye power
of disposing Ministers Livings: & to grant liberty of
Conscience with limitations: there is as yr Hon:r will find
at ye Plantation Office a Grant to a Corporation for Evan-
golizing Indians: they have a great Stock of Money
here: pray procure a Commission to Examine in whose hands
that money now lyes [in:s] how it has been bestowed. &c to
call all persons to an account & that that money may be
ordered to build us a Church & maintain Our ministers:
In this with your Hon:rs Speeding a way to us, you will oblige
all good men here:
& especially your most humble & most
obedient Serv.t
Ed Randolph
to S.r Ed. wife joines with me in Our hearty & humble Service
to my Lady Andros to yr Hon.r & to madam Craven: pray
gett directions for a Gen:ll assembly: I hope no delays will
be putt upon your Coming over upon ye busines of Connecticott
you may assuredly expect their Surrender upon your arrivall
their Colony being mentioned in ye Commission also. Will
R: Island & N. Plymouth: E R:
Major Winthrop Mr Wharton & Some of their family
intend for England as they Say about a the fall of ye
wars. / E R: pray obtain my Lord of Londons Order for Probate
of Wills to be in your Selfe. Its a great occasion of dispute
with Mr Dudley & Mr Stoughton: the former exercising ye
power of Ordinary without any directions vertute officij: as
To S.r Edm.d
Mr: Randolph
9th of [7.ber]/86