Upon the [Petn
] of John Ward
who brings an appeale agt
Palmer as will appear by the
Brief which with a copy of
order I send you here enclosed.
This Business carries this further
consequence with it that it is the
first Appeale I have known brought
to the Councill but the same being
pursuant to His Royll
: Highs
a day is appointed on the 2d
of March
for hearing the cause when the
cause is to be heard by My Lords of
The Committee of Trade & Plantacóns
And as I have now communicated
to you the Progress that is already
made therein So you may be assured
to understand from me the issue that finall determination and all the
circumstances that shall attend it
being resolved to omit no opportunity
whereby I may approve myself
yr Excys
most Humble & most faithfull