Sept. 12 1694
I hope this will finde you well returned to Lond[torn]
nothing new here since mine of the 20th of July
all well in those parts, but the 2d
instant alarms
on the upper parts of Yorke River when a
young man barbarously wounded, one of his fings
cutt off almost his arme by the wrist several
wounds in his body & his head [illegible]ed by some
(as it is thought) strange Indians & so left as
Dead but came to himself & got home in the
night, in the morning on [notice] the neighbors
got together & sent to the Rangers in
those Parts who went out but could not finde
[now] since any thing heard of those or any strange
Indians but found in the place where the
wounded man lay a Tomahawke bloody & a
small sticke with marks which our Indians doe
say is off the Sonoras of which I gave York
notice & orders to all outparts & the rangers to
be the more vigilant to prevent the like or any
By Mr
accot you'll see the Revenue
shorte of the necessary charge of the Governmt
& assistance given New Yorke for which pray
favour to the Lords of the Treasury out of their
quitt rents here And again if not passed
for the 500£ which in May last by unanimous
advise of the Councill in Maryland I received on
of my charges & services as Commander in
Chiefe there, being parte of Mony in Mr
hands [Collector] of Patuxon, pursuant to an order
of Councill my warrant & receipt for it
I have ordered a review & muster of all the
Militia in the several Parts, of which some
Returns already made how armed & provided,
and I intend soon again to see myself. I am
Yor Faithfull & most humble Servant
Virga ye 12th of
September 1694
Virginia 12 Septembr
From S Edmund
5 Nov: 1694
A young man left [As]
dead by the Indians on the
the [Revenues] in debt [He
Desires] the charge may b[e]
tranferred upon the [Q rents]
and allowance for £500
from Maryland