The 2d
Instant I recd
by Capt Cross Com
andore wth the London fleet their Majties
of the 22d
of Augt
for Assisting of New York and
order of the Treasury of the 15th
of Novemr
signifying their Majties
Comands for setting
out one or more small vessels to cruise
for Illegall Traders, wch
I have Communicated
to the Councill and sent orders to all ports
to find out fitt vessels and Comanders to be
forthwith Employed accordingly and ordered
that on Demand for men from New York
they be forthwith dispatched by Water itt
being difficult if possible to march new
men so far in such a Country and over
great Rivers without deserting
Writts are Issued for an Assembly to
sitt the 18th
of Aprill I hope will Contribute
to that charge tho I need not say to you
refused by former assemblys nor how
Prior those difficulties it is to raise money in Tobacco
for payments abroad as formerly [Experienced]
and [laying] in the Quitt rents Butt I shall not
be wanting in my uttermost Endeavors therein
and as I have done all I can for the well
arming and Equipping the militia I shall
Mr. Blathwaite
be reddy to march my selfe wherever
their Majties
service shall require and
by returne of the Fleet hope a full account
of Assembleys proceedings
I hear that Govr
Nicholson in Mary
land has bin verey buisey in faulting
and condemning His Majties
Comission to
me and to find out Imputations agt
for my going to Maryland on the Death of
Coll Copley and made complaints home of
my receiving five hundred pounds. I had by
advice and Consent of the Councill there on
account of salary as Comandr
in Cheife all
acknowlodging my Service for the peace and
quiet of that place off wch
I gave an account
to the Lords of the Comittee and Treasury
and shall always be ready to submit to
their Majties
and well assured shall not be
censured unheard in wch
I pray is continuance
of yor
just favor if occasion & remain
Faithfull and
Most humble Servant
Virginia the 20th of
March 1684