June 1 1695
The 19th
of March last I gave you an accot
of the Arrivall
of the Convoys and London fleet now Returning & that I had read
her Majties
Commands of the 22d
of Augt
for [asistence] to New
Yorke not exceeding 240 men when [Q]omanders wch
I communicated
to the Councill and advised the best way to Effect it and Resolved
to do it by Sea the marching by Land being so long & difficult
if possible to keep new men from deserting
Our Generall Assembly sat the 18th
of Aprill to whome I communicated
her Majties
Commands and desired a supply for that Service at
New Yorke wch
they wholly [excused] upon their Poverty & necessary
defense at home & could not understand would be lessened by
forces there & all could be obtained at last was but 500£ out of
an Imposision now laid on Liquors to be Imported wch
(tho small) I was advised not to refuse but hope it an Earnest
of more as it is the first.
The 18th
past I prorogued Said Assembly to the 31st
October next when I hope they will be well disposed for publick
matters & better acquainted.
All paymts
here Except their Majties
Revenue & [more] Small
Incomes on Liquors being in Tobacco and difficulties (if obtained)
to be sold here or Exported for paymts
abroad as has bin Experimented
and is by the Quitt Rents and the knowne charge Risque and
[uncertaine] market of all Tobacco lent out (besides loss of time)
of wch
Every hand generally makes from 1000 to 2000 pds
a yeare which besides the loss to the Planter [Merch]t
shipping is for Every man so Exported a Loss to his Majties
Revenue at least 10th
share and wch
I have mentioned to
his Grace my Lord Duke of Shrewsbury & pray the favor to
be Enabled out of the Quitt Rents or otherwise as his Majty
shall think fitt for New Yorke or other service [Comanders as]
Governor Nicholson from Maryland tho [Scurrilous] of
me as am credibly Informed hath bin lately severall times
with one srvt
thro this Government on pr
tence of Service for
the Colledge and when Sent for by me denyed publickly as
before now any Imputations on me but I am Satisfied is
Inveterate and doth me all the ill offices he can Everywhere
Doubt not his writing home agt
me which I hope will not [produce]
me unheard. I pray your favor in it as occasion Particularly
relateing to the 500£ I had by the advise of the Councill in
Maryland on accot of my Sallary as Commander in Chiefe as
by ordr
of Councill there and Warrts
and for Mr
Greenbury next day signed in Councill Mr
Geo: P[la]ter
collector and Attorney Generall always present & adviseing
therein out of money in his hands unappropriated of which an
at first and againe pray Ordr
for it if not yet determined
Comissery Blayr would not be obliged by me tho used
all Endeavers and Dispatch in any of his the [Charge on] Colledge
Concerns but Estranged himselfe from me of wch
I took no notice
till not containeing himselfe & p[ar]ticularly before the Councill
it was their unanimous opinion he ought not to Sit at that
Board and then I could not avoyd for his Majties
Service to
Suspend him from assisting or attending as one of yr
till further ordr
and as it is very Extraordinary and the first
Councellor I have heard of so faulted by his whole Councill
and myselfe not wanting in anything to the Charge nor yet
to Mr
Blayr himselfe & even since his Suspension in all
Relateing to the Charge on Colledge I hope my Lord of London
[as well as others] Inst fervor in not being Confused or [misap
prhentions] of me therein in any respect till heard of occasion
for which and all Else I pray your Continued Inst favor
& haveing no other Concerne thereon but my Duty in Supporting
his Majties
Authority and Service in this Governmt
All which is humbly Submitted by
Your faithfull and most humble
Virginia the
first of June 1695