This is by Coll Henry Hartwell now intended home for his
health who being of their Majties
Councell and knowing
in matters of the Countrey lived at James Towne and generally
at home and attending all Councills and I Evndeavored at all
times to have his advise in all matters to be advised on for
their Majties
and Countreys Service in these parts and can
give an accot of Difficultyes Relateing to assistance. —
Commandes for New Yorke as well as Loss to their Majties
of Dutyes by so much less Tobacco made as men Lent out
besides the unavoydable necessary Charge of their —
transportation by Sea by reason of the great distance
& difficult way through woods if by Land and new men not
to be kept from deserting when such Opportunityes & other
inconveniencyes in deterhing fit men apprehended of
Import & assured me he will waite on you on arrival if
well, I hope soone to heare from you and his Majties
Comands Particularly Relateing to New Yorke & Remaine
your faithfull and most
humble Servant
Virginia the
6th of June 1695
Mr Blathwayte